Common_Sim_Bus_Interfaces - nasa/gunns GitHub Wiki


Common Sim Bus Interfaces

All GUNNS link classes have many variables, and Sim Bus can read & write to almost all of them. Which ones do you use? The links are designed to interface with other classes in specific ways, but we sometimes find other ways to interface them that the designers didn’t foresee. It’s not always obvious which terms to interface via the Sim Bus. This page is an attempt to detail the most important interfaces, but we can’t detail them all. So in addition to this guide, here are some tips for determining the link variables to use on your own:

  • Refer to the link class declarations in the source code (*.hh files):
    • All links source code is either in gunns/core/ or gunns/aspects/.
  • Sometimes the Trick comments in the variable declaration will indicate that it is meant as a Sim Bus input or output.
  • Aspect diagrams will typically not spell out the actual variable names to interface, but will give a clue as to the type of parameter you are looking for, such as a temperature or a flow rate, etc., which you can then look for in the link class’ attributes.
  • See the big table below.

The main purpose of the ICD.txt file examples below is to show you which link variables to use for specific interfaces. Pay attention to the suffix variables in the SIM_VAR_NAME column, i.e. thermal.capacitor. mTemperature — these are the variables you are looking for. The other columns just give example names.

Fluid-Thermal Wall Heat Flux Interface

This is a common interface where a fluid aspect calculates a heat flux transferred from the fluid to the wall based on a wall temperature from the thermal aspect. The fluid aspect sends a heat flux Q to the thermal aspect, and receives a wall temperature T from the same thermal aspect. The thermal aspect is usually a GunnsThermalCapacitor link, and the fluid aspect is usually a GunnsFluidTank or most conductor link that do wall convection, such as a GunnsFluidValve, GunnsFluidFan, GunnsFluidPipe, etc.

The thermal capacitor’s mExternalHeatFlux term is actually an array to receive up to 15 heat fluxes from various sources. You would typically send one heat flux to array position 0, the next to 1, and so on as needed.

…for Tanks:

There is an aspect diagram of this configuration in the GunnsDraw link help page for the GunnsFluidTank. We are talking about the first pattern shown for that link, where the fluid tank calculates Q. Here is what the ICD.txt file would contain for an example case:


# Exchange wall temperature and heat flux between a thermal capacitor & fluid tank:
# Wall temperature from thermal to fluid aspect:
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  wallT     WRITE   rate  SimObject simObject  thermal.capacitor.mTemperature          double  (K)    Wall temperature
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  wallT     READ    rate  SimObject simObject  fluid.tank.mShellTemperature            double  (K)    Wall temperature

# Wall heat flux from fluid to thermal aspect:
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  wallQ     WRITE   rate  SimObject simObject  fluid.tank.mHeatFluxToShell             double  (W)    Wall heat flux
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  wallQ     READ    rate  SimObject simObject  thermal.capacitor.mExternalHeatFlux[0]  double  (W)    Wall heat flux

…for Pipes, Valves & Pump/Fans:

For the fluid conductors GunnsFluidPipe, GunnsFluidValve, GunnsGasFan and their derived classes, the pattern is the same except for different variable names in the fluid link:


# Exchange wall temperature and heat flux between a thermal capacitor & fluid conductor:
# Wall temperature from thermal to fluid aspect:
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  wallT     WRITE   rate  SimObject simObject  thermal.capacitor.mTemperature          double  (K)    Wall temperature
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  wallT     READ    rate  SimObject simObject  fluid.conductor.mWallTemperature        double  (K)    Wall temperature

# Wall heat flux from fluid to thermal aspect:
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  wallQ     WRITE   rate  SimObject simObject  fluid.conductor.mWallHeatFlux           double  (W)    Wall heat flux
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  wallQ     READ    rate  SimObject simObject  thermal.capacitor.mExternalHeatFlux[0]  double  (W)    Wall heat flux

…for Heat Exchangers:

The GunnsFluidHeatExchanger link can have 1 or more segments, and each can have its own Q/T exchange with a separate thermal asepct. See Example 3 in the “Typical HX Connections” diagram in the above link. A 4-segment counter-flow configuration is typical of this link, and we show the ICD for this configuration below. There are 8 separate Q/T exhanges created here, 4 for each of the 2 fluid loops. Like the tanks and other conductors, each segment has the same Sim Bus interface pattern, just with different target variables in the fluid link:

PUI   SYS  BUS  SUBSYS  VAR_NAME   ACTION  RATE  SIM_OBJECT           SIM_VAR_NAME                                  TYPE    UNITS  COMMENTS

# Exchange wall temperature and heat flux between thermal aspect and 2 fluid loops for a 4-segment counter-flow heat exchanger:
# Temperature and heat fluxes for segment 0:
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  seg0T      WRITE   rate  SimObject simObject  thermal.capacitorHxSeg0.mTemperature          double  (K)    Segment temperature
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  seg0T      READ    rate  SimObject simObject  fluidCold.heatExchanger.mSegTemperature[0]    double  (K)    Segment temperature
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  seg0T      READ    rate  SimObject simObject  fluidHot.heatExchanger.mSegTemperature[3]     double  (K)    Segment temperature
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  seg0ColdQ  WRITE   rate  SimObject simObject  fluidCold.heatExchanger.mSegEnergyGain[0]     double  (W)    Segment heat flux
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  seg0ColdQ  READ    rate  SimObject simObject  thermal.capacitorHxSeg0.mExternalHeatFlux[0]  double  (W)    Segment heat flux
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  seg0HotQ   WRITE   rate  SimObject simObject  fluidHot.heatExchanger.mSegEnergyGain[3]      double  (W)    Segment heat flux
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  seg0HotQ   READ    rate  SimObject simObject  thermal.capacitorHxSeg0.mExternalHeatFlux[1]  double  (W)    Segment heat flux

# Temperature and heat fluxes for segment 1:
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  seg1T      WRITE   rate  SimObject simObject  thermal.capacitorHxSeg1.mTemperature          double  (K)    Segment temperature
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  seg1T      READ    rate  SimObject simObject  fluidCold.heatExchanger.mSegTemperature[1]    double  (K)    Segment temperature
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  seg1T      READ    rate  SimObject simObject  fluidHot.heatExchanger.mSegTemperature[2]     double  (K)    Segment temperature
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  seg1ColdQ  WRITE   rate  SimObject simObject  fluidCold.heatExchanger.mSegEnergyGain[1]     double  (W)    Segment heat flux
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  seg1ColdQ  READ    rate  SimObject simObject  thermal.capacitorHxSeg1.mExternalHeatFlux[0]  double  (W)    Segment heat flux
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  seg1HotQ   WRITE   rate  SimObject simObject  fluidHot.heatExchanger.mSegEnergyGain[2]      double  (W)    Segment heat flux
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  seg1HotQ   READ    rate  SimObject simObject  thermal.capacitorHxSeg1.mExternalHeatFlux[1]  double  (W)    Segment heat flux

# Temperature and heat fluxes for segment 2:
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  seg2T      WRITE   rate  SimObject simObject  thermal.capacitorHxSeg2.mTemperature          double  (K)    Segment temperature
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  seg2T      READ    rate  SimObject simObject  fluidCold.heatExchanger.mSegTemperature[2]    double  (K)    Segment temperature
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  seg2T      READ    rate  SimObject simObject  fluidHot.heatExchanger.mSegTemperature[1]     double  (K)    Segment temperature
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  seg2ColdQ  WRITE   rate  SimObject simObject  fluidCold.heatExchanger.mSegEnergyGain[2]     double  (W)    Segment heat flux
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  seg2ColdQ  READ    rate  SimObject simObject  thermal.capacitorHxSeg2.mExternalHeatFlux[0]  double  (W)    Segment heat flux
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  seg2HotQ   WRITE   rate  SimObject simObject  fluidHot.heatExchanger.mSegEnergyGain[1]      double  (W)    Segment heat flux
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  seg2HotQ   READ    rate  SimObject simObject  thermal.capacitorHxSeg2.mExternalHeatFlux[1]  double  (W)    Segment heat flux

# Temperature and heat fluxes for segment 3:
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  seg3T      WRITE   rate  SimObject simObject  thermal.capacitorHxSeg3.mTemperature          double  (K)    Segment temperature
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  seg3T      READ    rate  SimObject simObject  fluidCold.heatExchanger.mSegTemperature[3]    double  (K)    Segment temperature
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  seg3T      READ    rate  SimObject simObject  fluidHot.heatExchanger.mSegTemperature[0]     double  (K)    Segment temperature
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  seg3ColdQ  WRITE   rate  SimObject simObject  fluidCold.heatExchanger.mSegEnergyGain[3]     double  (W)    Segment heat flux
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  seg3ColdQ  READ    rate  SimObject simObject  thermal.capacitorHxSeg3.mExternalHeatFlux[0]  double  (W)    Segment heat flux
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  seg3HotQ   WRITE   rate  SimObject simObject  fluidHot.heatExchanger.mSegEnergyGain[0]      double  (W)    Segment heat flux
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  seg3HotQ   READ    rate  SimObject simObject  thermal.capacitorHxSeg3.mExternalHeatFlux[1]  double  (W)    Segment heat flux

Note how the mapping of reads & writes between the segments creates the counter-flow effect. By convention, the thermal aspect segment numbering matches the order of the “cold” fluid loop, and the “hot” fluid loop reverses its segment order to create the counter-flow effect, like so:

(cold fluid seg 0) <--T------Q--> (thermal seg 0) <--Q------T--> (hot fluid seg 3)
(cold fluid seg 1) <--T------Q--> (thermal seg 1) <--Q------T--> (hot fluid seg 2)
(cold fluid seg 2) <--T------Q--> (thermal seg 2) <--Q------T--> (hot fluid seg 1)
(cold fluid seg 3) <--T------Q--> (thermal seg 3) <--Q------T--> (hot fluid seg 0)

Supply/Demand Network Interface

…between Basic Networks:

GunnsBasicExternalDemand and GunnsBasicExternalSupply are typically paired across the Sim Bus to create a flow interface between two Basic (thermal or electrical) networks. See the aspect diagram in the above links.

A node potential value is sent from the Supply link to the Demand link, and a demand flux value is sent back, like so:


# Exchange Supply/Demand between two thermal networks:
# Supply temperature from "supply" to "demand" network:
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  supplyT   WRITE   rate  SimObject simObject  thermal_1.to2Supply.mSupplyPotential    double  (K)    Supply temperature
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  supplyT   READ    rate  SimObject simObject  thermal_2.from1Demand.mSupplyPotential  double  (K)    Supply temperature

# Demand flux from "demand" to "supply" network:
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  demandQ   WRITE   rate  SimObject simObject  thermal_2.from1Demand.mDemandFlux       double  (W)    Demand flux
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  demandQ   READ    rate  SimObject simObject  thermal_1.to2Supply.mDemandFlux         double  (W)    Demand flux

…between Fluid Networks:

The GunnsFluidExternalSupply and GunnsFluidExternalDemand interface works the same as the Basic Supply & Demand interface, just with more data describing the fluid properties flowing between the networks.

PUI   SYS  BUS  SUBSYS  VAR_NAME      ACTION  RATE  SIM_OBJECT           SIM_VAR_NAME                                   TYPE    UNITS         COMMENTS

# Exchange Supply/Demand between two thermal networks:
# Supply fluid data from "supply" to "demand" network:
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  supplyP       WRITE   rate  SimObject simObject  fluid_1.to2Supply.mSupplyPressure              double  (kPa)         Supply pressure
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  supplyT       WRITE   rate  SimObject simObject  fluid_1.to2Supply.mSupplyTemperature           double  (K)           Supply temperature
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  supplyX[0-5]  WRITE   rate  SimObject simObject  fluid_1.to2Supply.mSupplyMassFractions[0-5]    double  (--)          Supply mass fractions
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  supplyC       WRITE   rate  SimObject simObject  fluid_1.to2Supply.mSupplyCapacitance           double  (kg*mol/kPa)  Supply capacitance
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  supplyP       READ    rate  SimObject simObject  fluid_2.from1Demand.mSupplyPressure            double  (kPa)         Supply pressure
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  supplyT       READ    rate  SimObject simObject  fluid_2.from1Demand.mSupplyTemperature         double  (K)           Supply temperature
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  supplyX[0-5]  READ    rate  SimObject simObject  fluid_2.from1Demand.mSupplyMassFractions[0-5]  double  (--)          Supply mass fractions
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  supplyC       READ    rate  SimObject simObject  fluid_2.from1Demand.mSupplyCapacitance         double  (kg*mol/kPa)  Supply capacitance

# Demand fluid data from "demand" to "supply" network:
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  demandF       WRITE   rate  SimObject simObject  fluid_2.from1Demand.mDemandFlux                double  (kg*mol/s)    Demand flux
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  demandT       WRITE   rate  SimObject simObject  fluid_2.from1Demand.mDemandTemperature         double  (K)           Demand temperature
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  demandX[0-1]  WRITE   rate  SimObject simObject  fluid_2.from1Demand.mDemandMassFractions[0-1]  double  (--)          Demand mass fractions
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  demandF       READ    rate  SimObject simObject  fluid_1.to2Supply.mDemandFlux                  double  (kg*mol/s)    Demand flux
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  demandT       READ    rate  SimObject simObject  fluid_1.to2Supply.mDemandTemperature           double  (K)           Demand temperature
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  demandX[0-1]  READ    rate  SimObject simObject  fluid_1.to2Supply.mDemandMassFractions[0-1]    double  (--)          Demand mass fractions

A couple of notes:

  • The mSupplyCapacitance is optional. See the link help pages for how to use these links.
  • Note the array range notation on the Mass Fraction terms. This is how Sim Bus transfers arrays of primitives. In this example, the “supply” network has 6 fluid constituents, so its mass fractions array is sized 6, or [0-5] in Sim Bus syntax. Likewise, in this example the “demand” network has 2 fluid constituents, or [0-1].

Signal-Fluid Valve Control Interface

Most GunnsFluidValve and derived links have a mPosition term that can be commanded by some kind of controller model via the Sim Bus. These controllers are what we typically call a “Signal aspect”, and may model all kinds of valve actuators like solenoids, motor-driven valves, manual valves, etc. Their interface with the fluid aspect is always the same: give us a mPosition from 0 (full closed) to 1 (full open), like so:


# Send valve position from Signal aspect to fluid network:
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  position  WRITE   rate  SimObject simObject  signal.valveController.mFluidPosition  double  (--)   Valve position
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  position  READ    rate  SimObject simObject  fluid.valve.mPosition                  double  (--)   Valve position

Signal-Fluid Pump Control Interface

All fluid “impeller” links, such as GunnsGasFan, GunnsGasDisplacementPump, GunnsLiquidCentrifugalPump, and GunnsLiquidDisplacementPump have a similar interface with a pump/fan motor/controller model. The motor model sends a rotational speed to the fluid aspect, and the fluid aspect sends back a resistance torque to the motor. This creates a closed-loop dynamic model. See here for an aspect diagram of a pump/fan — we are talking about its Signal/Fluid interface.


# Exchange shaft speed & torque for a pump motor/fluid interface:
# Motor shaft speed to the fluid impeller:
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  speed     WRITE   rate  SimObject simObject  signal.motor.mMotorSpeed      double  (rev/min)  Pump motor shaft speed
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  speed     READ    rate  SimObject simObject  fluid.pump.mMotorSpeed        double  (rev/min)  Pump motor shaft speed

# Fluid load torque to the motor:
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  torque    WRITE   rate  SimObject simObject  fluid.pump.mImpellerTorque    double  (N*m)      Pump fluid shaft torque
xxxx  sys  bus  subsys  torque    READ    rate  SimObject simObject  signal.motor.mLoadTorques[0]  double  (N*m)      Pump fluid shaft torque


…and many more…

Big Table of Suggested Link Sim Bus Terms

These are just suggestions: look at the class declarations for more hints & info about how & when to use what terms.

In general, base class attributes are also suggestions. For instance, GunnsBasicPotential extends GunnsBasicConductor, so mDefaultConductivity is a possible input to GunnsBasicPotential.

Basic Links

Link Extends Inputs Outputs
GunnsBasicCapacitor GunnsBasicLink
GunnsBasicConductor GunnsBasicLink mDefaultConductivity
GunnsBasicExternalDemand GunnsBasicPotential mSupplyPotential mDemandFlux
GunnsBasicExternalSupply GunnsBasicSource mDemandFlux mSupplyPotential
GunnsBasicJumper GunnsBasicConductor mPlug 0.mDirectConnectionRequest
mPlug 1.mDirectConnectionRequest
GunnsBasicLink mFlux
GunnsBasicPotential GunnsBasicConductor mSourcePotential
GunnsBasicSocket GunnsBasicConductor
GunnsBasicSource GunnsBasicLink mSourceFlux

Fluid Links

Link Extends Inputs Outputs
GunnsFluid3WayValve GunnsFluidLink mPosition
mPathA.mWallTemperature mPathA.mWallHeatFlux
mPathB.mWallTemperature mPathB.mWallHeatFlux
GunnsFluidAccum GunnsFluidLink mLiquidHousingQ mBellowsPosition
GunnsFluidAccumGas GunnsFluidAccum mGasHousingQ mGasPressureReading
GunnsFluidAdsorber GunnsFluidConductor mWallTemperature mWallHeatFlux
GunnsFluidCapacitor GunnsFluidLink
GunnsFluidCheckValve GunnsFluidValve
GunnsFluidCondensingHxSeparator GunnsFluidConductor mSegmentTemperature mSegmentHeat
mWsMotorSpeed mTransferTemperature
mTransferFlowRate mTransferPressure
GunnsFluidConductor GunnsFluidLink mMaxConductivity
GunnsFluidEqConductor GunnsFluidLink mPort0DemandFlux mPort0SupplyCapacitance
mPort0DemandTemperature mPort0SupplyPressure
mPort1DemandFlux mPort1SupplyCapacitance
mPort1DemandTemperature mPort1SupplyPressure
GunnsFluidExternalDemand GunnsFluidPotential mSupplyPressure mDemandFlux
mSupplyTemperature mDemandTemperature
mSupplyMassFractions mDemandMassFractions
GunnsFluidExternalSupply GunnsFluidSource mDemandFlux mSupplyPressure
mDemandTemperature mSupplyTemperature
mDemandMassFractions mSupplyMassFractions
GunnsFluidHatch GunnsFluidValve
GunnsFluidHeater GunnsFluidLink mHeaterPower mHeatFlux
GunnsFluidHeatExchanger GunnsFluidConductor mSegTemperature mSegEnergyGain
GunnsFluidHotAdsorber GunnsFluidAdsorber
GunnsFluidHotReactor GunnsFluidReactor
GunnsFluidJumper GunnsFluidConductor mPlug 0.mDirectConnectionRequest
mPlug 1.mDirectConnectionRequest
GunnsFluidLeak GunnsFluidConductor
GunnsFluidLink GunnsBasicLink mFlowRate
GunnsFluidLiquidWaterSensor GunnsFluidConductor mLiquidPresent
GunnsFluidMetabolic GunnsFluidSource mNCrew
GunnsFluidPhaseChangeSource GunnsFluidLink mPowerInput
GunnsFluidPipe GunnsFluidConductor mWallTemperature mWallHeatFlux
GunnsFluidPotential GunnsFluidConductor mSourcePressure
GunnsFluidPressureSensitiveValve GunnsFluidLink mWallTemperature mWallHeatFlux
GunnsFluidReactor GunnsFluidConductor mWallTemperature mWallHeatFlux
GunnsFluidRegulatorValve GunnsFluidPressureSensitiveValve
GunnsFluidReliefValve GunnsFluidPressureSensitiveValve
GunnsFluidSensor GunnsFluidConductor mTemperature
GunnsFluidSeparatorGas GunnsFluidConductor mSeparatorSpeed mTransferTemperature
mTransferFlowRate mTransferPressure
GunnsFluidSeparatorLiquid GunnsFluidPotential mTransferTemperature
GunnsFluidShadow GunnsFluidPotential mInputPressure mOutputPressure
mInputTemperature mOutputTemperature
mInputMixture mOutputMixture
GunnsFluidSimpleH2Redox GunnsFluidLink mCurrent mOutputStackVoltage
GunnsFluidSimpleQd GunnsFluidConductor mState mWallHeatFlux
GunnsFluidSocket GunnsFluidConductor
GunnsFluidSource GunnsFluidLink mFlowDemand
GunnsFluidSublimator GunnsFluidLink mHeatBalance mThermalConductivity
GunnsFuidTank GunnsFluidCapacitor mShellTemperature mHeatFluxToShell
GunnsFluidValve GunnsFluidConductor mPosition mWallHeatFlux
GunnsGasDisplacementPump GunnsFluidSource mMotorSpeed mImpellerTorque
mWallTemperature mWallHeatFlux
GunnsLiquidCentrifugalPump GunnsGasFan
GunnsLiquidDisplacementPump GunnsGasDisplacementPump
GunnsGasFan GunnsFluidPotential mWallTemperature mWallHeatFlux
mMotorSpeed mImpellerTorque

Thermal Links

Link Extends Inputs Outputs
GunnsThermalCapacitor GunnsBasicCapacitor mExternalHeatFlux mTemperature
GunnsThermalHeater GunnsThermalSource mPowerElectrical
GunnsThermalMultiPanel GunnsThermalSource mViewScalar
GunnsThermalPanel GunnsThermalSource mIncidentHeatFluxPerArea
GunnsThermalPotential GunnsBasicPotential mHeatFluxIntoNode
GunnsThermalRadiation GunnsBasicConductor mViewScalar
GunnsThermalSource GunnsBasicLink mDemandedFlux

Electrical Links

Link Extends Inputs Outputs
GunnsElectBattery GunnsBasicPotential mHeat
GunnsElectConverterInput GunnsBasicLink mEnabled mTotalPowerLoss
mResetTrips mInputUnderVoltageTrip.mIsTripped
GunnsElectConverterOutput GunnsBasicLink mEnabled mTotalPowerLoss
mSetpoint mOutputOverVoltageTrip.mIsTripped
mResetTrips mOutputUnderVoltageTrip.mIsTripped
EpsConstantPowerLoad GunnsBasicConductor mDesiredPower mPowerDraw
GunnsElectRealDiode GunnsBasicPotential
GunnsElectricalResistor GunnsBasicConductor mWasteHeat
GunnsResistiveLoad GunnsElectricalResistor mLoadSwitch.mSwitchCommandedClosed mPowerValid
GunnsElectIps GunnsBasicLink mCommandOnUsed mHeatGenerated
mCommandOn mActivePowerSource
GunnsElectUserLoadSwitch GunnsBasicConductor mSwitch.mSwitchCommandedClosed mSwitch.mPosTrip
mSwitch.mTripReset mSwitch.mNegTrip
GunnsElectUserLoadSwitch2 GunnsBasicConductor mSwitch.mPositionCommand mSwitch.mInputUnderVoltageTrip.mIsTripped
mSwitch.mResetTripsCommand mSwitch.mInputOverVoltageTrip.mIsTripped
SwitchElect GunnsBasicConductor mSwitch.mSwitchCommandedClosed mPosTrip
mTripReset mNegTrip
PowerBusElect GunnsBasicLink mLoad[#].mLoadOperMode mLoad[#].mPowerValid
mPlug[ 0 ].mDirectConnectionRequest
GunnsElectPvArray GunnsBasicLink mSections[#].mInput.mSourceFluxMagnitude mTerminal.mPower
GunnsElectPvRegShunt GunnsBasicLink mEnabled mTrips.mInOverVoltage.mIsTripped
mPowered mTrips.mInOverCurrent.mIsTripped
mVoltageSetpoint mTrips.mOutOverVoltage.mIsTripped
mResetTrips mTrips.mOutOverCurrent.mIsTripped
GunnsElectPvRegConv GunnsBasicLink mEnabled mTrips.mInOverVoltage.mIsTripped
mPowered mTrips.mInOverCurrent.mIsTripped
mVoltageSetpoint mTrips.mOutOverVoltage.mIsTripped
mResetTrips mTrips.mOutOverCurrent.mIsTripped
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️