MATT Filter by Attributes - ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki GitHub Wiki

Filter by Attributes

Filters entities by attributes & flags.

Use Check Variable instead to filter MATT's saved variables.

Use this to directly target an entity; the following entity types are able to be targeted.

Please note that technically any type of entity on the canvas can be targeted with this action, but any not listed here currently won't work.

This Tile

Use this to filter the tile itself.

Triggering Token

Use this to filter the triggering token.

Tokens Within Triggering Tile

Use this to filter all tokens within the triggering tile.

Player Tokens

Use this to filter all player tokens on the scene.

Current Action Collection

Use this to filter the current action collection.

Use Tagger

Use this to filter all valid entities with a Tag matching your Use Tagger settings.


Put the exact name of the attribute to be used here. Capitalization matters.

The various entity type links above contain instructions on finding the attributes.

  • The auto-fill is not complete nor always up-to-date. Just type your attribute in manually if it doesn't appear.
  • MATT trims out most of the attribute path on supported systems; you just need attribute and not for example.
  • Flags on tokens that reference their actor do need to specify that its looking at the actor.
    • Add actor. to the front of the datapath for actor flags. Example: actor.flags.tidy5e-sheet.weight
  • To filter by a saved Variable, use flags.monks-active-tiles.variables.VariableName.

D&D 5th Edition

  • Passive perception is skills.prc.passive; NOT skills.per.passive.


  • You need an operator unless filtering an array. = 10
  • < > = are all operators that can be used to tune your tile trigger.
    • ≤ ≥ Do not work, use >= and <=.
  • You need a space between the operators and the value. >= 20
  • Filtering by a string requires a equals sign at the start, then use a set of quotation marks around the value to properly filter by it. Example: = "name".
    • To filter an array and whether the value exists inside them; don't use an equals sign like you usually would for a string. Example: "Tag"
  • Accepts inequality operators. !=
  • Accepts Handlebar Expressions.


Sample Tiles That Use This Action

Page Last Updated

  • Foundry 12.331
  • MATT 12.02
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