ST Ooze Splitter - ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki GitHub Wiki
A GM button that splits your selected ooze in half, giving each of them half the HP and reducing their size category. This tile is mostly set up for read-as-written PF2, though you will need to delete the size change sections if you care about true RAW.
- Alter
- Alter Tag
- Check Entity Count
- Create Token
- Filter by Attributes
- Jump to Landing
- Landing
- Send Notification
- Set Active Tiles Variable
Click here to view Tile Template JSON Data
Copy & paste this into Notepad and save it as a .JSON
file. Then import it using MATT's Tile Templates.
"texture": {
"src": null,
"scaleX": 1,
"scaleY": 1,
"tint": null,
"offsetX": 0,
"offsetY": 0,
"rotation": 0
"x": 3400,
"y": 900,
"z": 100,
"width": 100,
"height": 100,
"rotation": 0,
"alpha": 1,
"flags": {
"tagger": {
"tags": ""
"monks-active-tiles": {
"active": true,
"record": false,
"restriction": "all",
"controlled": "gm",
"trigger": [
"allowpaused": false,
"usealpha": false,
"pointer": false,
"vision": true,
"pertoken": false,
"minrequired": 0,
"cooldown": null,
"chance": 100,
"fileindex": 0,
"actions": [
"action": "exists",
"data": {
"entity": {
"id": "token",
"name": "Triggering Token"
"collection": "tokens",
"count": "= 1",
"none": "Too_Many_Tokens"
"id": "BqXHah3EGu3tqRIQ"
"action": "attribute",
"data": {
"entity": {
"id": "previous",
"name": "Current tokens"
"collection": "tokens",
"attribute": "system.traits.value",
"value": "\"ooze\""
"id": "1cXT3tm030MSrKU8"
"action": "exists",
"data": {
"entity": {
"id": "previous",
"name": "Current tokens"
"collection": "tokens",
"count": "> 0",
"none": "Not_Ooze"
"id": "yYnPG8MfhlhYd2Sf"
"action": "attribute",
"data": {
"entity": {
"id": "previous",
"name": "Current tokens"
"collection": "tokens",
"attribute": "attributes.hp.value",
"value": ">= 10"
"id": "x6jPWewImMzZLg6o"
"action": "exists",
"data": {
"entity": {
"id": "previous",
"name": "Current tokens"
"collection": "tokens",
"count": "> 0",
"none": "Too_Damaged"
"id": "igROoeagUmnu6M55"
"action": "tagger.execute",
"data": {
"entity": {
"id": "previous",
"name": "Current tokens"
"tag": "Split",
"state": "add"
"id": "vWKWxkTj1rqEdDKI"
"action": "setvariable",
"data": {
"entity": {
"id": "tile",
"name": "This Tile"
"name": "health",
"value": "= (Math.floor({{actor.system.attributes.hp.value}}/2))"
"id": "2xSgtvY8vt4UR7PE"
"action": "create",
"data": {
"entity": {
"id": "token",
"name": "Triggering Token"
"collection": "actors",
"location": {
"id": "tile",
"name": "This Tile"
"position": "random",
"activetoken": true,
"snap": true,
"invisible": false,
"avoidtokens": false
"id": "fFkpXcCbwAFPjRnP"
"action": "tagger.execute",
"data": {
"entity": {
"id": "previous",
"name": "Current tokens"
"tag": "Split",
"state": "add"
"id": "HEWrHh7mjmELOrXJ"
"action": "alter",
"data": {
"entity": {
"id": "tagger:Split",
"match": "all",
"scene": "_active",
"name": "<i class=\"fas fa-tag fa-sm\"></i> Split"
"collection": "tokens",
"attribute": "system.attributes.hp.value",
"value": "= {{}}",
"chatMessage": false,
"rollmode": "roll"
"id": "eugTQf7iOgjBD9DY"
"action": "goto",
"data": {
"tag": "{{actor.system.traits.size.value}}",
"limit": "",
"rollmode": "roll",
"resume": false
"id": "omYgIscaOI1GiKoK"
"action": "anchor",
"data": {
"tag": "huge",
"stop": true
"id": "X6penrk2T45uM9eV"
"action": "alter",
"data": {
"entity": {
"id": "tagger:Split",
"match": "all",
"scene": "_active",
"name": "<i class=\"fas fa-tag fa-sm\"></i> Split"
"collection": "tokens",
"attribute": "system.traits.size.value",
"value": "= \"lg\"",
"chatMessage": false,
"rollmode": "roll"
"id": "KNIA5WxbPnHoui9K"
"action": "tagger.execute",
"data": {
"entity": {
"id": "tagger:Split",
"match": "all",
"scene": "_active",
"name": "<i class=\"fas fa-tag fa-sm\"></i> Split"
"tag": "Split",
"state": "remove"
"id": "eShq8JngKBixT9KP"
"action": "anchor",
"data": {
"tag": "lg",
"stop": true
"id": "sdMelRE2WOxIx7ZN"
"action": "alter",
"data": {
"entity": {
"id": "tagger:Split",
"match": "all",
"scene": "_active",
"name": "<i class=\"fas fa-tag fa-sm\"></i> Split"
"collection": "tokens",
"attribute": "system.traits.size.value",
"value": "= \"med\"",
"chatMessage": false,
"rollmode": "roll"
"id": "tzC2ouJpsgOjEEDr"
"action": "tagger.execute",
"data": {
"entity": {
"id": "tagger:Split",
"match": "all",
"scene": "_active",
"name": "<i class=\"fas fa-tag fa-sm\"></i> Split"
"tag": "Split",
"state": "remove"
"id": "BWAb70Vm4onNI1sp"
"action": "anchor",
"data": {
"tag": "med",
"stop": true
"id": "9z0QYtkZB3oNsKA5"
"action": "alter",
"data": {
"entity": {
"id": "tagger:Split",
"match": "all",
"scene": "_active",
"name": "<i class=\"fas fa-tag fa-sm\"></i> Split"
"collection": "tokens",
"attribute": "system.traits.size.value",
"value": "= \"sm\"",
"chatMessage": false,
"rollmode": "roll"
"id": "gXW6f0iWsh1C2UVA"
"action": "tagger.execute",
"data": {
"entity": {
"id": "tagger:Split",
"match": "all",
"scene": "_active",
"name": "<i class=\"fas fa-tag fa-sm\"></i> Split"
"tag": "Split",
"state": "remove"
"id": "BaRMmvZirMF3bwNZ"
"action": "anchor",
"data": {
"tag": "sm",
"stop": true
"id": "fFaPiWL7LsAw2MaP"
"action": "anchor",
"data": {
"tag": "tiny",
"stop": false
"id": "HHhco4INNgC5uw4Q"
"action": "alter",
"data": {
"entity": {
"id": "tagger:Split",
"match": "all",
"scene": "_active",
"name": "<i class=\"fas fa-tag fa-sm\"></i> Split"
"collection": "tokens",
"attribute": "system.traits.size.value",
"value": "= \"tiny\"",
"chatMessage": false,
"rollmode": "roll"
"id": "uHJB9zTtqT10ckYL"
"action": "tagger.execute",
"data": {
"entity": {
"id": "tagger:Split",
"match": "all",
"scene": "_active",
"name": "<i class=\"fas fa-tag fa-sm\"></i> Split"
"tag": "Split",
"state": "remove"
"id": "MTAb4vQ5JMdkyWHm"
"action": "anchor",
"data": {
"tag": "Not_Ooze",
"stop": true
"id": "XGwq9MI4CZgixqhS"
"action": "notification",
"data": {
"text": "Please select an ooze.",
"type": "info",
"showto": "gm"
"id": "HaAS92qu8DmCAT4C"
"action": "anchor",
"data": {
"tag": "Too_Many_Tokens",
"stop": true
"id": "SSP28x1BDbn46fIq"
"action": "notification",
"data": {
"text": "Please select only one token.",
"type": "info",
"showto": "gm"
"id": "nxgDlWJ7jhlhkGKf"
"action": "anchor",
"data": {
"tag": "Too_Damaged",
"stop": true
"id": "XILjeXd1ZHrdYhF9"
"action": "notification",
"data": {
"text": "The ooze is too damaged to split.",
"type": "info",
"showto": "gm"
"id": "MVGSWY5cW9NR7PjL"
"files": []
"exportSource": {
"world": "module-assembly",
"system": "pf2e",
"coreVersion": "11.315",
"systemVersion": "5.9.5"
"overhead": false,
"roof": false,
"occlusion": {
"mode": 1,
"alpha": 0,
"radius": null
"video": {
"loop": true,
"autoplay": true,
"volume": 0
"hidden": false,
"locked": false,
"id": "dPXNprtUkYFzsIqC",
"name": "Ooze_Splitter_v1.5",
"visible": true,
"img": null,
"thumbnail": "modules/monks-active-tiles/img/cube.svg"
MATT 11.17