MATT Check Variable - ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki GitHub Wiki

Check Variable

Checks a variable on the selected tile(s).

Use this to check the variable on a specific tile.

This Tile

Use this to check the variable on the tile itself.

Current Action Collection

  • Current Tiles Collection

Use this to check the variable on the current tile collection.

Use Tagger

Use this to check the variable on all tiles with a Tag matching your Use Tagger settings.

Filter Type

  • All
    • Continue if all of the target tiles meet the required value.
  • Any
    • Continue if any of the target tiles meet the required value.
  • None
    • Continue if none of the target tiles meet the required value.

Variable Name

Put the exact name of the Variable to be used here. Capitalization matters.

This field accepts Handlebar Expressions if your variable name was created using handlebars.


  • You need an operator.
  • < > = are all operators that can be used to tune your tile trigger.
    • ≤ ≥ Do not work, use >= and <=.
  • You need a space between the operators and the value.
  • Filtering by a string requires a equals sign at the start, then use a set of quotation marks around the value to properly filter by it. Example: = "name".
  • This field accepts Handlebar Expressions.
  • Accepts the modulo operator: % 2 == 0.
  • Accepts the inequality operator; !=.

Go To Landing on Fail

Optional: Enter the exact name of a Landing that will be jumped to if the desired count isn't met. If left blank, the action thread will instead stop if the count isn't met.


  • $\color{red}{\textsf{Warning}}$: This action can result in Infinite Loops and crash your Foundry. Use responsibly.

Sample Tiles That Use This Action

Page Last Updated

  • Foundry 12.330
  • MATT 12.02
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️