MATT Landing - ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki GitHub Wiki


This is used in conjunction with other actions for various results, or on its own for several functions.

  • You can use this action on it's own as a simple label for different sections of the action thread.
  • The various Checks can specify a landing to go to if their desired count isn't met.
  • Jump to Landing can be used to jump to different sections of the action thread, or to create infinite loops.
  • Redirect Request Results redirects tokens to different action threads based on the results of a requested roll.
  • Lastly, these can be used as Auto-Landings to have the tile action sequence start at a particular spot based on certain parameters. See Automatic Landings below.

The following actions require landings to be set up.

The following actions optionally require landings to be set up.

Placing Landings

Landings are inserted in the action list above the actions intended to be run as part of that action thread.


Capitalization, spaces, symbols; all need to match any other actions referencing this landing.

  • landing1 is not the same as Landing 1.

Automatic Landings

By naming a landing with an underscore _ and certain parameters, when the tile is triggered, it will automatically go to the first automatic landing it finds that is valid and start the action thread there.

For example, having _enter unchecked at the start of the tile with only an On enter trigger, with a _player landing, a player triggering the tile via enter will always start at the _enter landing in the action list and never at the _player landing (unless the tile has other trigger methods besides enter).

Trigger Method Landings

When used on a tile with their corresponding triggers, these can be used to have different sets of actions for different trigger methods.

  • _enter
  • _exit
  • _movement
  • _stop (stop within tile)
  • _elevation# Optionally appending this with a number will make it so that the action thread starts here when a token is changed to that specific elevation.
  • _rotation
  • _click $\color{yellow}{\textsf{Important}}$: Mutually exclusive with _dblclick.
  • _rightclick $\color{yellow}{\textsf{Important}}$: Mutually exclusive with _dblrightclick.
  • _dblclick $\color{yellow}{\textsf{Important}}$: Mutually exclusive with _click.
  • _dblrightclick $\color{yellow}{\textsf{Important}}$: Mutually exclusive with _rightclick.
  • _create
  • _hoverin
  • _hoverout
  • _combatstart
  • _round
  • _turn
  • _turnend
  • _combatend
  • _ready(on scene load)
  • _manual
  • _door Only including this one for comprehensiveness; there really isn't any valid reason to use this one that I can think of; use the specific Door Trigger landings below.
  • _darkness# Optionally accepts a number in the range of 0-100. It will trigger when the scene's global darkness level hits that percentage exactly. Keep in mind that core Foundry's darkness slider only accepts 5% increments.
  • _time# Optionally accepts numbers; this is the number of minutes after midnight it will trigger at.

Direction Based Landings

The direction the token moving within the tile from will be tracked & will automatically start at the appropriate auto-landing. These can also be used with click triggers to have different actions depending on where they click inside the tile. It will use whichever autolanding it finds first in the list.

  • _up-left
  • _up-right
  • _down-left
  • _down-right
  • _up
  • _down
  • _left
  • _right

User Based Landings

These are either based on the user's permission level, or their user-name.

  • _gm Any GM level user triggering it will start here.
  • _player Any player level user triggering it will start here.
  • _Joe Smith Naming an landing _Joe Smith will automatically run the code from that point when the user Joe Smith activates the Tile.

Door Trigger Landings

These are used with Door triggers for different actions based on how the door was interacted with.

  • _dooropen Whenever the door state is changed to opened, run the code from this point.
  • _doorclose Whenever the door state is changed to closed, run the code from this point.
  • _doorlock Whenever the door state is changed to locked, run the code from this point.
  • _doorsecret Whenever the door state is changed to or from secret, run the code from this point.
  • _doorchecklock Whenever the locked door has an attempt to open it, run the code from this point.
    • Always place this in the action list after _doorlock, or it will go to this one first.

Special Auto Landings

  • _failedlanding If you have a call to a landing and that landing doesn't exist, then it will jump to _failedlanding. See Password Input (Basic) for an example of this in use.

Lock & Key Auto Landings

Requires Lock & Key. The following landings can be used to differentiate between the different Lock & Key triggers. None of these include the _ in the front as Saibot did not initially include it.

  • LockuseKey
  • LockusePasskey
  • LockusePick
  • LockuseBreak
  • LockuseFree

Perceptive Auto Landings

Requires Perceptive. The following landings can be used to differentiate between the different Perceptive trigger conditions. None of these include the _ in the front as Saibot did not initially include it.

  • PassiveSpot
  • ActiveSpot

Stop When Reached in Code

Checking the box will set a stop once the landing is reached via normal action sequencing; any actions following it will not be activated. This will display a black square in the action list after the landing name. This is functionally the same as adding a Stop Remaining Actions targeting the tile right above the landing.

If the landing is jumped to via a jump or redirect or an auto-landing, the block will not take effect as that is where you're telling the action thread to start from.

The two tiles shown below are functionally the same; the Chat Message will never be reached without a redirect, but the second one has the benefit of being less clicks to get the same effect and slightly less data in your tile.

Having this unchecked will also create sub-threads.


  • Formerly known as "anchors" prior to release 1.0.85. You may still see these in older videos & instructions.
  • Landings will color any actions that will occur as part of their thread when the module setting Show Landing Highlight is active.

Sample Tiles That Use This Action

  • [Alternating Triggers](/ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki/wiki/ST-Alternating-Triggers)
  • [Boss Music](/ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki/wiki/ST-Boss-Music)
  • [Don't Break the Ice](/ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki/wiki/ST-Don't-Break-the-Ice)
  • [Door w/ Open and Closed Images](/ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki/wiki/ST-Door-with-Open-and-Closed-Images)
  • [Door w/ Open, Closed, and Secret Images](/ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki/wiki/ST-Door-with-Open,-Closed,-and-Secret-Images)
  • [Chess Piece Capture](/ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki/wiki/ST-Chess-Piece-Capture)
  • [Clock](/ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki/wiki/ST-Clock)
  • [Color Selector (Color Picker)](/ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki/wiki/ST-Color-Selector-(Color-Picker))
  • [Color Selector (Hexcode)](/ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki/wiki/ST-Color-Selector-(Hexcode))
  • [Footprints](/ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki/wiki/ST-Footprints)
  • [Hidden Path](/ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki/wiki/ST-Hidden-Path)
  • [Image Selector](/ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki/wiki/ST-Image-Selector)
  • [Keypad](/ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki/wiki/ST-Keypad)
  • [Lighthouse](/ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki/wiki/ST-Lighthouse)
  • [Motion Activated Door](/ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki/wiki/ST‐Motion-Activated-Door)
  • [Ooze Splitter](/ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki/wiki/ST-Ooze-Splitter)
  • Password Input (Basic)
  • [Phase Selector](/ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki/wiki/ST-Phase-Selector)
  • [Pressure Plate, Basic On/Off](/ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki/wiki/ST‐Pressure-Plate-Basic-On-Off)
  • [Random Gravestone Generator](/ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki/wiki/ST-Random-Gravestone-Generator)
  • [Randomized Actions](/ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki/wiki/ST-Randomized-Actions)
  • [Reference Player Count](/ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki/wiki/ST-Reference-Player-Count)
  • [Request Roll, Basic Success & Failures](/ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki/wiki/ST-Request-Roll-Basic-Success-and-Failures)
  • [Request Roll, Count Success & Failures](/ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki/wiki/ST-Request-Roll-Count-Success-and-Failures)
  • [Request Roll, Degrees of Success](/ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki/wiki/ST-Request-Roll-Degrees-of-Success)
  • [Request Roll, Tiered Results](/ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki/wiki/ST-Request-Roll-Tiered-Results)
  • [Reset Scene](/ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki/wiki/ST-Reset-Scene)
  • [Rotation Puzzle, Basic](/ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki/wiki/ST-Rotation-Puzzle-Basic)
  • [Schrödinger's Mimic](/ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki/wiki/ST-Schrodingers-Mimic)
  • [Shifting Walls](/ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki/wiki/ST-Shifting-Walls)
  • [Slot Machine (Basic)](/ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki/wiki/ST-Slot-Machine-Basic)
  • [Split the Party Trap](/ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki/wiki/ST-Split-the-Party-Trap)
  • [Token Magic FX on Hover](/ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki/wiki/ST-Token-Magic-FX-on-Hover)
  • [Tooltip (Dialog)](/ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki/wiki/ST-Tooltip-Dialog)
  • [Trigger Happy](/ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki/wiki/ST-Trigger-Happy)
  • [UI Button](/ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki/wiki/ST-UI-Button)

Page Last Updated

  • Foundry 12.327
  • MATT 12.01
  • Lock & Key 2.0.7
  • Perceptive 2.9.4