ST Language Filter PF 2E - ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki GitHub Wiki

Language Filter, PF 2E

Filters the triggering token based on whether they know a specific language; the example below will only continue if the triggering token knows goblin.

Setup Required


  • Check Entity Count
  • Filter by Attributes
    • Attribute: traits.languages.value
      • Value: Unlike most filters, this is an array, so don't use an operator, just enclose the language in quotation marks. "goblin"
Click here to view Tile Template JSON Data

Copy & paste this into Notepad and save it as a .JSON file. Then import it using MATT's Tile Templates.

  "texture": {
    "src": null,
    "scaleX": 1,
    "scaleY": 1,
    "tint": null,
    "offsetX": 0,
    "offsetY": 0,
    "rotation": 0
  "x": 2000,
  "y": 2600,
  "z": 100,
  "width": 100,
  "height": 100,
  "rotation": 0,
  "alpha": 1,
  "flags": {
    "tagger": {
      "tags": ""
    "monks-active-tiles": {
      "active": true,
      "record": false,
      "restriction": "all",
      "controlled": "all",
      "trigger": [
      "allowpaused": false,
      "usealpha": false,
      "pointer": false,
      "pertoken": false,
      "minrequired": 0,
      "chance": 100,
      "fileindex": 0,
      "actions": [
          "action": "attribute",
          "data": {
            "entity": {
              "id": "token",
              "name": "Triggering Token"
            "collection": "tokens",
            "attribute": "traits.languages.value",
            "value": "\"goblin\""
          "id": "pzg7hE2l0bYtWXi0"
          "action": "exists",
          "data": {
            "entity": {
              "id": "previous",
              "name": "Current tokens"
            "collection": "tokens",
            "count": "> 0",
            "none": ""
          "id": "WRSJACOOTP4VU8k9"
      "files": []
    "exportSource": {
      "world": "pf2",
      "system": "pf2e",
      "coreVersion": "10.291",
      "systemVersion": "4.8.3"
  "overhead": false,
  "roof": false,
  "occlusion": {
    "mode": 1,
    "alpha": 0,
    "radius": null
  "video": {
    "loop": true,
    "autoplay": true,
    "volume": 0
  "hidden": false,
  "locked": false,
  "id": "X5vwgq8YAdZZQBRa",
  "name": "Language_Filter_PF2E",
  "visible": true,
  "img": null,
  "thumbnail": "modules/monks-active-tiles/img/cube.svg"

Page Last Updated

  • MATT 10.12
  • PF2 4.8.3
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