MATT Alter - ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki GitHub Wiki


Alters the attributes of the selected entities.

Use this to directly alter an entity; the following entity types are able to be targeted.

This Tile

Use this to alter the tile itself.

Triggering Token

Use this to alter the triggering token.

Tokens Within Triggering Tile

Use this to alter all tokens within the triggering tile.

Player Tokens

Use this to alter all player tokens on the scene.

Current Action Collection

Use this to alter the current action collection.

Use Tagger

Use this to alter all entities that have a Tag matching your Use Tagger settings and possess the attribute being altered.


Put the exact name of the attribute to be used here. Capitalization matters. You can find instructions for getting the attributes of most entity types here on their respective pages.

  • On supported systems, for basic operations, you don't need to include the full datapath; the attribute name is enough.
    • For example, you don't need to use to rotate a tile; just use rotation.
    • Pathfinder 2E: You need to include system. at the start; system.attributes.hp.value for example.
  • The auto-fill may not always be up-to-date or include all possible attributes. You can just manually type other attributes in.
  • The links to the various entity types at the top of the page include instructions on finding attributes in the console.


  • You will need to include an operator. Space is Important.
    • =, +, -, are all operators.
  • You can use [[1d6]] to do a roll for a random value.
  • You can do complex formula in the value field.
    • You can reference other attributes of the same entity in the formula; you will need the full datapath for the referenced attribute.
  • For arrays, enter them as = #,#,#,#, no spaces.
  • For strings, place them inside quotation marks; = "Name".
  • true & false will be converted to boolean.
  • Accepts clamp function; = Math.clamped(({{entity.rotation}} + 10), 150, 200)

Conditional Toggling

Toggles the attributes between the values; if the attribute is neither value when triggered, it will turn into the first one here, 10. Just leave entity as entity, don't replace it with the type you're targeting.

  • = ({{entity.elevation}} || 0) == 10 ? 20 : 10

When toggling hexcodes, the letters need to be lowercase, the handlebars & codes need to be inside quotation marks, and the "0" inside the parentheses needs to be replaced with ""#ffffff". Example below.

  • = ("{{entity.texture.tint}}" || "#ffffff") == "#ff0000" ? "#0000ff" : "#ff0000"
  • Use "{{value.text.[0]}}" to use the result from a previous Roll Table action as the value.
    • If your results contain special characters, use triple handlebars on each side like this; "{{{value.text.[0]}}}".
  • Use {{variable.variablename}} to use a stored Variable.
  • Use {{value.input}} to use the input of a previous Show Dialog's input.


  • This action only triggers when a Gamemaster-level user is logged in.
  • This action probably will not work in Sandbox System Builder.
  • Altering a linked token does not update the associated actor's prototype token.

Sample Tiles That Use This Action

Page Last Updated

MATT 11.21

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