MATT Set Active Tiles Variable - ironmonk88/monks-module-wiki GitHub Wiki

Set Active Tiles Variable

Sets the name and value of a variable that can be referenced in actions that accept handlebar notation.

The variable set can be referenced with {{variable.valuename}}, replacing valuename with the name of the variable..

Select Entity

Use this to directly set a variable on a tile.

This Tile

Use this to set a variable on the tile itself.

Current Action Collection

Use this to set a variable on the current tile collection.

Use Tagger

Use this to set a variable on all tiles with a Tag matching your Use Tagger settings.

Variable Name

The name of the variable to be stored in the tile and referenced. Just give it a normal name with no special characters.

This field accepts Handlebar Expressions for customizable names.

The variable cannot be named the same as other functions that Foundry already uses, such as combat.


Appending the name with a * will update all existing variables with a partial name match.

In the above example, when the tile is triggered, both test1 and test2 will be incremented by one.


The value of the variable to be stored. Values will be stored as an integer if able, and a string if not able.

  • You can use + or - in front of the value to increment or decrement the value; Space is Important.
  • Use = to set a value or string.
  • _null will delete that variable from the targeted tiles.
  • Accepts dice notation.
  • To set a variable to true, use = true. Otherwise it has no way to know if this is a string "true" or an actual true.
  • Accepts clamp function; = Math.clamped(({{entity.rotation}} + 10), 150, 200).
  • Accepts Handlebar Expressions.

Sample Tiles That Use This Action

Page Last Updated

  • Foundry 12.330
  • MATT 12.02
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