FITMAN Overview - dwong263/MAGIQ GitHub Wiki


FITMAN is a program used to post-process and fit MR spectra collected in-vivo. With FITMAN, you can:

  • read and convert spectroscopy files generated from GE, SIEMENS, and VARIAN scanners
  • perform post processing of MR spectra to remove eddy current artifacts and restore a Lorentzian lineshape
  • perform subtraction of macromolecule resonances
  • remove residual water signal
  • fit spectra (including fitting of water suppressed and unsuppressed data)
  • generate SPICeS and BARSTOOL compatible *.out files

Ultimately, it is a comprehensive processing and analysis package for quantification of in-vivo NMR spectroscopy data in either the time domain or frequency domain. Although the included fitting routines have been used in our laboratory now for several years, the software is still undergoing occasional changes and improvements.

These are the acquisition and fitting steps that FITMAN aids with:

The FITMAN User Guide is divided into two chapters.

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