FITMAN Chapter 1.4 - dwong263/MAGIQ GitHub Wiki

Water Removal


Following macromolecule removal a residual water peak is often still present. Since fitting occurs in the time domain, signal representing each spectral component is present throughout the time domain signal. Therefore it is necessary to remove the residual water signal prior to metabolite fitting.


You can perform water removal in the fitMANSuite program. It is done using a similar method to that described above for advanced macromolecule removal.

After macromolecule removal, load the spectrum into the middle window in fitMANSuite.

Use HSVD to fit the data – any peaks existing within the region of the spectrum occupied by water can then be removed:

  • File > Remove Water
  • Specify parameters as required.

Following water removal save the data in the middle window:

  • File > Save Active Window