FITMAN Chapter 2.2 - dwong263/MAGIQ GitHub Wiki

*.dat File Format

The *.dat file is the fitMAN input data format. *.dat files store information about the spectroscopy acquisition as well as the time domain signal. *.dat files are ASCII files which are organized as follows:

Line #       Value              Description
1         3960                number of points
2         1                   unused
3         0.0001248           dwell time in seconds
4         400.17208789        acquisition frequency in MHz
5         128                 number of acquistions
6         comment             comment
7         comment             comment
8         comment             comment
9         comment             comment
10        SIMULTANEOUS        method of data acquisition
11        0.0                 for future use
12        EMPTY               for future use
13        -0.83               real component of first data point
14        0.28                imaginary component of first data point
15        -2.02               real component of second data point
16        -0.14               imaginary component of second data point
3971      -0.07               real component of last data point
3972      -0.00               imaginary component of last data point