FITMAN Chapter 2.6 - dwong263/MAGIQ GitHub Wiki

Fitting Data

Once data has been converted to the correct format, and Guess and Constraints files have been developed, the fitting program can be initiated from within FitMANSuite. See here for more details.

Following each iteration of the fitting process, information will be displayed in the terminal window describing the fitting status (i.e. the iteration number, the current value of alambda, and the current Chi Squared value).

Once fitting is complete, the routine checks to make sure that all parameters are within the bounds specified in the constraints file. If any parameters exceed their specified bounds, the parameter is removed from the fitting and the file is refit with the current parameter estimates as the starting point. The parameters which have exceeded their bounds and are responsible for the re-fitting are displayed.

Once convergence has been achieved, parameter values are written to the output file name specified on the command line. The Cramer-Rao estimates of minimum variance are also written to the output file for each parameter.