FITMAN Chapter 2.7 - dwong263/MAGIQ GitHub Wiki


  1. Bartha, R., M.B. Stein, P.C. Williamson, D.J. Drost, R.W. Neufeld, T.J. Carr, G. Canaran, M. Densmore, G. AndersonA.R. Siddiqui. A short echo 1H spectroscopy and volumetric MRI study of the corpus striatum in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder and comparison subjects. Am J Psychiatry 1998; 155: 1584-91.
  2. de Beer, R.D. Ormondt. Analysis of NMR data using time domain fitting procedures. NMR Basic Princ Progr 1992; 26: 201-48.
  3. de Graaf, A.A.W.M. Bovee. Improved quantification of in vivo 1H NMR spectra by optimization of signal acquisition and processing and by incorporation of prior knowledge into the spectral fitting. Magn Reson Med 1990; 15: 305-19.
  4. de Beer, R., A. van den Boogaart, D. van Ormondt, W.W. Pijnappel, J.A. den Hollander, A.J. MarienP.R. Luyten. Application of time-domain fitting in the quantification of in vivo 1H spectroscopic imaging data sets. NMR Biomed 1992; 5: 171-8.
  5. Potwarka, J.J., D.J. DrostP.C. Williamson. Quantifying 1H decoupled in vivo 31P brain spectra. NMR Biomed 1999; 12: 8-14.
  6. van den Boogaart, A., M. Ala-Korpela, J. JokisaariJ.R. Griffiths. Time and frequency domain analysis of NMR data compared: an application to 1D 1H spectra of lipoproteins. Magn Reson Med 1994; 31: 347-58.
  7. van Dijk, J.E., A.F. Mehlkopf, D. van OrmondtW.M. Bovee. Determination of concentrations by time domain fitting of proton NMR echo signals using prior knowledge. Magn Reson Med 1992.
  8. Mierisova, S.M. Ala-Korpela. MR spectroscopy quantitation: a review of frequency domain methods. NMR Biomed 2001; 14: 247-59.
  9. Mierisova, S., A. van den Boogaart, I. Tkac, P. Van Hecke, L. VanhammeT. Liptaj. New approach for quantitation of short echo time in vivo 1H MR spectra of brain using AMARES. NMR Biomed 1998; 11: 32-9.
  10. Marshall, I., J. Higinbotham, S. BruceA. Freise. Use of Voigt lineshape for quantification of in vivo 1H spectra. Magn Reson Med 1997; 37: 651-7.
  11. Bartha, R., D.J. Drost, R.S. MenonP.C. Williamson. Comparison of the quantification precision of human short echo time (1)H spectroscopy at 1.5 and 4.0 Tesla. Magn Reson Med 2000; 44: 185-92.