FITMAN Chapter 2.5 - dwong263/MAGIQ GitHub Wiki

*.out File Format

The output file contains all the information required to repeat a fit and obtain identical results. As such it is divided into two portions, one portion contains the guess file information while a second portion contains the constraints information. Therefore each output file will have the following sections:





The Guess File Portion

The guess file portion contains the results of the fit with the following units.

Parameter Unit
SHIFT shift_units (in parameter section)
LORENTZIAN WIDTH Hz (FWHM of Lorentzian line)
AMPLITUDE Absolute Units
PHASE Radians
DELAY Seconds
GAUSSIAN WIDTH Hz (FWHM Gaussian line)

The Constraints File Portion

The constraints portion contains all the information needed to repeat the identical fit. All parameters that affect the fitting of the data are output. All linking information in the [Peaks] section is copied from the original constraints file.

The Flexibility of the Output File

Since the output file contains a guess portion and a constraints portion it can be used as a guess file, a constraints file, or both for any fit. This allows for recursive fitting where the output of one fit can be used as the input to a second fit.