Workspaces - bakkeby/dusk GitHub Wiki

A workspace in the context of the window manager is that what holds (or owns) a set of clients.

By default there are 9 workspaces available represented by the numbers 1 through 9.

The workspace area, i.e. where the clients are drawn, is restricted to a monitor. This is in contrast to most desktop environments where the workspace typically span across all monitors.

Workspaces can be moved freely across monitors unless they are pinned to a specific monitor.

More than one workspace can be viewed simultaneously on a single monitor, in which case the workspace area will be divided evenly between the visible workspaces.


Workspaces are defined in the wsrules array in config.h.

static const WorkspaceRule wsrules[] = {
   /*                                                                     ------------------------------- schemes ------------------------------- ------ icons ------
      name,  monitor,  pinned,  layout,  mfact,  nmaster,  nstack,  gaps, default,          visible,          selected,         occupied,         def,   vac,  occ,  */
   {  "1",   -1,       0,       0,       -1,    -1,       -1,      -1,    SchemeWsNorm,     SchemeWsVisible,  SchemeWsSel,      SchemeWsOcc,      "1",   "",   "[1]", },
   {  "2",   -1,       0,       0,       -1,    -1,       -1,      -1,    SchemeWsNorm,     SchemeWsVisible,  SchemeWsSel,      SchemeWsOcc,      "2",   "",   "[2]", },
   {  "3",   -1,       0,       0,       -1,    -1,       -1,      -1,    SchemeWsNorm,     SchemeWsVisible,  SchemeWsSel,      SchemeWsOcc,      "3",   "",   "[3]", },
   {  "4",   -1,       0,       0,       -1,    -1,       -1,      -1,    SchemeWsNorm,     SchemeWsVisible,  SchemeWsSel,      SchemeWsOcc,      "4",   "",   "[4]", },
   {  "5",   -1,       0,       0,       -1,    -1,       -1,      -1,    SchemeWsNorm,     SchemeWsVisible,  SchemeWsSel,      SchemeWsOcc,      "5",   "",   "[5]", },
   {  "6",   -1,       0,       0,       -1,    -1,       -1,      -1,    SchemeWsNorm,     SchemeWsVisible,  SchemeWsSel,      SchemeWsOcc,      "6",   "",   "[6]", },
   {  "7",   -1,       0,       0,       -1,    -1,       -1,      -1,    SchemeWsNorm,     SchemeWsVisible,  SchemeWsSel,      SchemeWsOcc,      "7",   "",   "[7]", },
   {  "8",   -1,       0,       0,       -1,    -1,       -1,      -1,    SchemeWsNorm,     SchemeWsVisible,  SchemeWsSel,      SchemeWsOcc,      "8",   "",   "[8]", },
   {  "9",   -1,       0,       0,       -1,    -1,       -1,      -1,    SchemeWsNorm,     SchemeWsVisible,  SchemeWsSel,      SchemeWsOcc,      "9",   "",   "[9]", },

These rules define the workspaces that are available, which monitor they are initially assigned to and whether the workspace is pinned to that monitor.

Additionally the rules specify the icons used for the workspace as well as the initial layout.

The name of the workspace is used as a reference for internal configuration as well as for external commands. Optionally workspace names can also be shown in the bar if the AltWorkspaceIcons functionality is enabled.

The monitor index indicates which monitor the workspace is to start on by default. Workspaces where the monitor index is set to -1 will be distributed evenly across the available monitors. Refer to the Monitor page for details on multi-monitor setup.

The pinned option indicates whether or not the workspace is also pinned to the monitor it is assigned to. A pinned workspace can not be moved between monitors when activated or enabled.

The layout index indicates which layout the workspace is to start with by default. The index comes from the layouts array in config.h. Refer to the Layout page for more details on layouts.

The mfact value indicates the master / stack factor that the workspace is to start with by default. This is what controls the size of the master area compared to the stack area in most, but not all, layouts. If this is set to -1 then it will default to whatever the global setting is set to in config.h.

The nmaster value indicates the number of clients that should be placed in the master area for master and stack layouts. If this is set to -1 then it will default to whatever the global setting is set to in config.h.

The nstack value indicates the number of clients that should be placed in the stack area for dual stack layouts. If this is set to -1 then it will default to whatever the global setting is set to in config.h.

The gaps value indicates whether or not gaps are enabled for the workspace. If this is set to -1 then it will default to whatever the global enablegaps setting is set to in config.h.

For information on workspace colour schemes, represented by the next four fields of each workspace rule, refer to the Workspace bar module.

For information on workspace icons, represented by the last three fields of each workspace rule, refer to the Workspace bar module.


Refer to the WSKEYS macro in config.h for instructions on how to add keybindings for additional workspaces.

Refer to the Workspace module for instructions for how to change button bindings to handle clicks on workspace icons in the bar.

Monitor distribution

This section documents some special features when it comes to how workspaces are distributed across the available monitors in a multi-monitor setup.

To give a more complete picture the examples provided here assumes a three monitor setup with indices of 0, 1 and 2.

Scenario 1) - Startup

Workspaces are created based on the workspace rules listed earlier. If the monitor attribute matches the index of an existing monitor then the workspace will be assigned to that monitor.

Example cases:

  • -1 - the workspace will be distributed evenly
  • 2 - the workspace will be assigned to the monitor with index 2
  • 3 - the workspace will be distributed evenly as no monitor with index 3 exists

It should be noted that the pinned attribute is only taken into account if the workspace is directly assigned to a monitor via workspace rules.

Once all the workspaces have been created the remaining workspaces that have not yet been assigned to a monitor will be evenly distributed. How many workspaces that have already been assigned to a monitor via workspace rules do not influence the distribution of the remaining workspaces.

The remaining workspaces are distributed to each monitor in order, i.e. monitor 0 will get the first workspace, monitor 1 will get the next, monitor 2 will get the one after that, then it goes back to 0.

If all nine workspaces are distributed this way then you will end up with:

  • monitor 0 having workspaces 1, 4 and 7
  • monitor 1 having workspaces 2, 5 and 8
  • monitor 2 having workspaces 3, 6 and 9

Scenario 2) - Removing monitor 2 (hotplugging)

If a monitor is removed or deactivated via xrandr then all workspaces that were assigned to monitor 2 will be moved to monitor 0 and marked as not being shown / active.

The rationale behind this is that:

  • monitor 0 and monitor 1 should already have workspaces that are shown and
  • dumping all the workspaces that were on monitor 2 on monitor 0 seems more intuitive than evenly distributing the workspaces across the remaining monitors

If any of the workspaces being moved were pinned to monitor 2 then those workspaces will lose their pinned status. The rationale here is that the workspace was pinned specifically to workspace 2 and not to the monitor it is being moved to.

It is worth noting that dusk does not auto-detect an HDMI cable being inserted for example so simply removing a display cable would not trigger the above scenario. Run in the new xrandr configuration for the above to come into effect.

If you are looking for auto-detection of display changes then refer to autorandr or look up guides for setting up udev rules to do this.

Scenario 3) - Adding monitor 2 again (hotplugging)

If a monitor is added or activated via xrandr then workspaces will be subject to redistribution across the available monitors.

The redistribution is subject to the following rules:

  • if the workspace rule for the workspace had a monitor attribute that matches that of the new monitor then that workspace will be assigned to that monitor
    • if the workspace rule also had a pinned attribute then the workspace will be pinned to the new monitor
  • the remaining workspaces will be redistributed evenly across the available monitors
    • if a workspace is pinned then it will lose that attribute

The distribution of the remaining workspaces happens as outlined in scenario 1.

Scenario 4) - Restarting

When doing a live restart of dusk the workspaces will remain associated with the same monitors that they were assigned to before the restart took place.


Here is a list of functions relating to workspaces.

Function Description
enablews Enables or disables a workspace by right-clicking the workspace icon on the bar
enablewsbyindex Enables the nth workspace on the current monitor in addition to the current workspace
enablewsbyname Enables the workspace with a given name in addition to the current workspace
comboviewwsbyindex Changes the view to one or more workspace with a given index on the current monitor
comboviewwsbyname Changes the view to one or more workspace with a given name
movews Move a client window to another workspace by clicking on the workspace icon on the bar
movewsdir Move a client to the workspace on the immediate left or right of the active workspace
movetowsbyindex Moves the currently active window to the workspace with a given name
movetowsbyname Moves the currently active window to the workspace with a given name
movealltowsbyindex Moves all windows on the current workspace to the nth workspace on the current monitor
movealltowsbyname Moves all windows on the current workspace to a workspace with a given name
moveallfromwsbyindex Moves all windows from the nth workspace on the current monitor to the current workspace
moveallfromwsbyname Moves all windows from a workspace with a given name to the current workspace
sendtowsbyindex Moves the currently active window to the workspace with a given name while inverting ViewOnWs functionality
sendtowsbyname Moves the currently active window to the nth workspace on the current monitor while inverting ViewOnWs functionality
swapws Swaps all clients on the current workspace with all clients on another workspace by clicking on the workspace icon on the bar
swapwsbyindex Swaps all clients on the current workspace with all clients on the nth workspace on the current monitor
swapwsbyname Swaps all clients on the current workspace with all clients on the workspace with a given name
togglepinnedws Used to pin or unpin the current workspace to / from the current monitor
togglews Toggle to the previously viewed workspace on the current monitor
viewallwsonmon View all workspaces assigned to the current monitor
viewalloccwsonmon View all workspaces assigned to the current monitor that have clients
viewselws Change the view to only show the workspace of the selected client
viewws View a workspace by left-clicking on the workspace icon on the bar
viewwsbyindex Changes the view to the nth workspace on the current monitor
viewwsbyname Changes the view to the workspace with a given name
viewwsdir View the workspace on the immediate left or right of the active workspace


Here is a list of functionality that are related to workspaces.

Functionality Description
ViewOnWs Follow a window to the workspace it is being moved to
GreedyMonitor Disables swap of workspaces between monitors


Here is a list of flags that are related to workspaces.

Flag Description
SwitchWorkspace Automatically moves you to the workspace of the newly opened application
EnableWorkspace Enables the workspace of the newly opened application in addition to your existing viewed workspaces
RevertWorkspace If SwitchWorkspace or EnableWorkspace, closing that window reverts the view back to what it was previously

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