restart - bakkeby/dusk GitHub Wiki

Function Expected argument Default keybinding
restart N/A Super+Shift+q

The restart function is used to seamlessly restart the window manager.

This is typically used when making configuration changes and having recompiled the window manager.

Some information is persisted across restarts:

  • the order of client windows
  • the workspace client windows belong to
  • the state of client windows (e.g. whether they are floating or hidden)
  • the saved float positions of client windows
  • workspace settings (pinned status, nmaster, nstack, which monitor it belongs to, layout, whether gaps are enabled)

The above is achieved by setting custom X atoms on client windows as well as on the root window and reading and applying them when the window manager starts again.

These states are not, however, persisted across reboots.

External command:

$ duskc run_command restart  # restart the window manager

Back to Functions > System.

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