enablewsbyindex - bakkeby/dusk GitHub Wiki

Function Expected argument Default keybinding
enablewsbyindex int (workspace index) N/a

The enablewsbyindex function enables the nth workspace on the current monitor additon to the current workspace.

If the workspace with the given index is already being viewed then the workspace will be removed from view.

If there is no nth workspace on the current monitor then nothing will happen.

If the function is used on the remaining active workspace on a monitor then there will be no active workspaces on that monitor.

There are no default configuration options for this function, but it can be used to replace the default behaviour of the WSKEYS macro. Refer to this guide for more details.

External command:

$ duskc run_command enablewsbyindex "6"  # enables the 6th workspace on the current monitor

Also see the EnableWorkspace flag.

Back to Functions > Workspace.

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