viewalloccwsonmon - bakkeby/dusk GitHub Wiki

Function Expected argument Default keybinding
viewalloccwsonmon N/A Super+0

The viewalloccwsonmon function can be used to enable display of all workspaces that are assigned to the current monitor and have clients.


In the above example there are clients on workspaces 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 and 8.

Each workspace retain their arrangement within their respective area and only workspaces that have clients on them are shown.

When viewing multiple workspaces like this the keyboard shortcut of Super+o will bring the workspace of the currently selected client into view (see viewselws).

The gaps between workspaces will be twice that of the outer gaps as gaps are retained in this view.

Triggering the keybinding a second time will bring the user back to the previously selected workspaces on the current monitor.

External command:

$ duskc run_command viewalloccwsonmon  # view all workspaces on the current monitor that have clients

Also see the viewallwsonmon function which shows all workspaces on the current monitor.

Back to Functions > Workspaces.

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