msa revision history - ajtruckle/meeting-schedule-assistant-support GitHub Wiki

Revision History

New Version IconVersion 24.11.12 - 2024 Edition (xx.09.2024)

  • Image Image Added Exchange Notes field to home talk assignment on the Weekend Meeting Editor. These notes are now included in the history database.
  • Image Image Added Exchange Notes field to away talk assignment on the Manage Away Talk window. These notes are now included in the history database.
  • Image Image Improvements to Monthly Workbook Data - Validation for student material study points (used by Monthly Data Volunteers).
  • Image Image Fixed an issue with the Sesotho (South Africa) public talks database.
  • Image Image Fixed minor bugs with the CSV Importer.
  • Internal: Updated Scintilla.
  • Internal: Updated WebView2 NuGet Package.

New Version IconVersion 24.11.11 - 2024 Edition (14.08.2024)

  • Image These assignments have been added to the Publishers Database: Weekend Chairman, Weekend Prayer, Interpreter, Watchtower Conductor, Watchtower Reader and Bible Verses Reader.  (GitHub discussion)

New Version IconVersion 24.11.8 - 2024 Edition (04.08.2024)

  • Image Special events are now stored in an XML database. All existing special events are automatically imported into this new database. (GitHub discussion)
  • Image Special Events database manager has been moved to the Database menu.
  • Image Image Built-in workbook templates have been updated to display special event information directly from the new events database. Note that some templates have been removed to simplify the software. We recommend replicating any customizations you have made to a new copy of the updated templates. (GitHub discussion)
  • Image The Assignment History database is now updated when a Congregation or Speaker is renamed. (GitHub discussion)
  • Image Multiple away talks on the same weekend were not displaying correctly on the TalkDB--Public Talk Report template.
  • Image Image Updated "Sing Out Joyfully" to Jehovah for Gujarati.
  • Image Image Updated "Sing Out Joyfully" to Jehovah for Sesotho (South Africa).
  • Internal: Updated Scintilla.
  • Internal: Updated Google Calendar Interface NuGet Packages.
  • Internal: Updated MSA Tools NuGet Packages.

New Version IconVersion 24.11.1 - 2024 Edition (20.07.2024)

  • Image Image The Meeting Editor was displaying incorrect student material information and would cause the software to silently crash in certain scenarios.
  • Image It was impossible to reset a speakers / publishers availability dates. (GitHub discussion)
  • Image The look and feel of the Availability Dates checklist on the Publishers Database window is now consistent with the one on the Speakers window. (GitHub discussion)
  • Image The Availability Dates checklist on the Speaker window now functions similarly to the one in the Publishers Database window. (GitHub discussion)
  • Image A Date Range button has been added to the Speaker window to simplify managing a brother's availability. It functions the same way as the Date Range button in the Publishers Database window. (GitHub discussion)

New Version IconVersion 24.11.0 - 2024 Edition (16.07.2024)

  • Image Image The Assignment History panel now has full support for the Home Congregation and Home Speaker drop-down lists. (GitHub discussion)
  • Image Image Updated "Sing Out Joyfully" to Jehovah (#152) for Afrikaans. (GitHub discussion)
  • Image Image Updated "Sing Out Joyfully" to Jehovah (#152, #155) for Maltese. (GitHub discussion)
  • Image The Appointed As drop-down list in the Publishers Database window is now disabled when the publisher is a sister. (GitHub discussion)
  • Image Added Clear Filter button to the Publishers Database window. So now you can easily reset the current filter by clicking this button. (GitHub discussion)
  • Image Brother and Sister have been added to the Extended Publisher Filters menu. (GitHub discussion)
  • Image Added the ability to Import and Export data from the Congregation Database. (GitHub discussion)
  • Image Image Fixed an issue where the Auto Assign feature in the Meeting Editor could cause the application to shut down under certain conditions.

New Version IconVersion 24.10.2 - 2024 Edition (29.06.2024)

  • Image Reviewed all built-in templates to ensure consistent functionality across both editors.
  • Image Image Added a new Sample Scripts sub-menu to the Help menu, providing direct access to additional report templates for easy download and installation.
  • Internal: Update WebView2 NuGet Package.

New Version IconVersion 24.10.1 - 2024 Edition (24.06.2024)

  • Image Fixed bug with installing templates from a ZIP archive.
  • Image Image Updated "Sing Out Joyfully" to Jehovah (#152 - #158) for Gujarati. (GitHub discussion)

New Version IconVersion 24.10.0 - 2024 Edition (18.06.2024)

  • Image Image The View menu was permanently disabled in the Assignments Editor.
  • Image Image Resolved some issues with importing generic CSV data files.
  • Image Image Home Talk assignments can now be set up as a Symposium. Built-in templates have been updated. (GitHub discussion)
  • Image Image You can now set a Confirmed status property for each home talk. (GitHub discussion)
  • Image Image You can now set a Confirmed status property for each away talk. (GitHub discussion)
  • Image Image The Confirmed status of each public talk is now included in the underlying XML data file in the Meeting Editor. This allows for customized styling and content in your schedules and reports for unconfirmed talks.
  • Image Image You can now set the default Confirmed status for talk exchanges. This setting affects how new schedules are created. (GitHub discussion)
  • Image The public talk Summary template now highlights all unconfirmed talk exchanges in blue.
  • Image The public talk Summary template now includes the second speaker when the talk is a symposium.
  • Image Installing S-89 11/23 templates was not working correctly. (GitHub discussion)
  • Internal: Update Boost to version 1.85.0
  • Internal: Update TinyXML-2 to version 10.0.0.
  • Internal: Update MSA Tools NuGet Packages.
  • Internal: Update WebView2 NuGet Package.

New Version IconVersion 24.9.0 - 2024 Edition (01.06.2024)

  • Image Added the ability to indent / outdent from within the Script Editor. (GitHub discussion)
  • Image Added the ability to set / clear the Windows Operating System (OS) read-only attribute from within the Script Editor. (GitHub discussion)
  • Image The highlighted text occasionally becomes unreadable due to the low contrast between the text colour and the highlight colour when using the Find/Find Next feature in the Script Editor. (GitHub discussion)
  • Image The current line in the Script Editor is now highlighted with a light grey background. Additionally, the colours used for selected text have been improved. (GitHub discussion)
  • Image Redesigned the Public Talks window to display the category for each outline. It now includes a category filter, allowing you to limit the displayed list of outlines to a specific category. And you can now indicate changes to a public talk outline category using the Submit Update tool. (GitHub discussion)
  • Image Image Updated the Weekend Meeting Editor to display the category for each outline. And it now includes a category filter, allowing you to limit the displayed drop-down list of outlines to a specific category. (GitHub discussion)
  • Image Image Updated "Sing Out Joyfully" to Jehovah (#152 - #158) for Setswana and Zulu. (GitHub discussion)
  • Image Image Implement Public Talks database in Gujarati.
  • Image The Database Report Viewer was not updating the display when a different template was selected from the list. This bug affected both the Congregation and Public Talk database viewers.
  • Internal: Updated WebView2 NuGet Package.
  • Internal: Updated MSA Tools NuGet Packages.
  • Internal: Updated MSA Tools Library NuGet Packages.

New Version IconVersion 24.8.3 - 2024 Edition (21.05.2024)

  • Image Minor bug fixes.

New Version IconVersion 24.8.2 - 2024 Edition (20.05.2024)

  • Image Minor bug fixes.

New Version IconVersion 24.8.1 - 2024 Edition (17.05.2024)

  • Image Image Schedule preview displaying wrong number of Living as Christian items (GitHub discussion)
  • Image Image Scrollbar support has been added to the Meeting Editor. By default, scrollbars are enabled to assist users with smaller screens. You can disable them permanently by toggling the Scrollbars option in the Options menu. Please note that you will need to close and reopen the Meeting Editor for the changes to take effect.
  • Image Image Scrollbar support has been added to the Weekend Meeting Editor. By default, scrollbars are enabled to assist users with smaller screens. You can disable them permanently by toggling the Scrollbars option in the Options menu. Please note that you will need to close and reopen the Meeting Editor for the changes to take effect.
  • Image You can also toggle the scrollbar settings by clicking the relevant Scrollbars option in the Options menu of the main application window.

New Version IconVersion 24.8.0 - 2024 Edition (13.05.2024)

New Version IconVersion 24.7.0 - 2024 Edition (22.04.2024)

  • Image Image Meeting Editor > "Sing Out Joyfully" to Jehovah  > add #152 - #158 (GitHub discussion)
  • Image Image Meeting Editor > Import from Database > Import from CSV (midweek meeting) (GitHub discussion)
  • Image Image Meeting Editor > Import from Database > Import from CSV (GitHub discussion)
  • Image Image Weekend Meeting Editor > Local Talk > Add talk to list of assigned talks > now uses Hamburger button. (GitHub discussion)
  • Image Image Weekend Meeting Editor > Away Talk > Add talk to list of assigned talks > now uses Hamburger button. (GitHub discussion)
  • Image Image Talk Outline > Indicate if it has multimedia. (GitHub discussion)
  • Image Image Wrong description is saved in the assignment history for the 4th student item.
  • Image System Info now includes useful Application details. (GitHub discussion)
  • Image Separate 32-bit / 64-bit installers: Both can be installed simultaneously.
  • Image New dependency on .NET 8.0.1 runtime: The installers will download and install if required.
  • Image New dependency on .NET Framework 4.8.1: The installers will download and install if required.
  • Image New MSA Tools (.NET8) console application implemented: This includes the original Outlook Calendar Sync functionality and more. The original Outlook Calendar Sync console application has been deprecated..
  • Image Publisher Database > Import from CLM Explorer > Bug fixes
  • Image Publisher Database > Import from generic CSV > Bug fixes
  • Image Right-click > View > View page source.
  • Internal: Updated WebView2 NuGet Package.
  • Internal: Purchased new Chilkat libraries.

New Version IconVersion 24.6.0 - 2024 Edition (27.03.2024)

  • Image It is now possible to download and re-install the latest version when using Check for Update. (GitHub discussion)
  • Image The About window has a new look n' feel.
  • Internal: Updated WebView2 NuGet Package.

New Version IconVersion 24.5.0 - 2024 Edition (15.03.2024)

  • Image Add Congregation hyperlink added to the main status bar. (GitHub discussion)
  • Image Image Move / Swap Public Talk Assignments. (GitHub discussion)
  • Image Image Hamburger symbol has been added to most assignments on the Meeting Editor / Weekend Meeting Editor. Click the hamburger to display the Move Assignment / Swap Assignment context menu.

New Version IconVersion 24.4.0 - 2024 Edition (01.03.2024)

  • Image The application now has a splash screen.
  • Image Settings window has a new look n' feel. (GitHub discussion)
  • Image Midweek Meeting day / time have been moved to the Congregations window. It is important that you update this information in the Congregation Database for your own congregation. The Meeting Workbook Transfer data file format has also been updated and only files created with 24.4.0 or higher are supported.
  • Image Now you can quickly access the Custom Assignments from the Publishers Database window. (GitHub discussion)
  • Image Image Now you can indicate whether a publisher has the Auxiliary Classroom Counsellor assignment role in the Publishers Database window. Only publishers with this assignment role will appear in the Meeting Editor drop-down lists. (GitHub discussion)
  • Image Updated menu item icons and other minor GUI improvements.
  • Image Minor bug fixes.

New Version IconVersion 24.3.2 - 2024 Edition (19.02.2024)

  • Image The application toolbar has a new look n' feel.
  • Image Introduced a new Field Service Group Manager to add, edit, or delete groups and manage the assignment of publishers to specific groups. (GitHub discussion)
  • Internal: Updated Boost to version 1.84.0
  • Internal: Updated WebView2 NuGet Package.
  • Internal: Updated MSA Tools Library NuGet Packages.
  • Internal: Updated Google Calendar Interface NuGet Packages.
  • Internal: Updated Outlook Calendar Interface NuGet Packages.

New Version IconVersion 24.3.1 - 2024 Edition (6th February 2024)

  • Image Deleting a Publisher caused the application to silently crash. (GitHub discussion)

New Version IconVersion 24.3.0 - 2024 Edition (01.02.2024)

  • Image Introduced a new Week Overview summary panel.
  • Image The main application window can now be resized.

New Version IconVersion 24.2.9 - 2024 Edition (15.01.2024)

New Version IconVersion 24.2.8 - 2024 Edition (4th January 2024)

  • Image Image Fixed issue with Public Talks database Update tool.

New Version IconVersion 24.2.7 - 2024 Edition (22.12.2023)

New Version IconVersion 24.2.6 - 2024 Edition (14.12.2023)

  • Image Image Include Assignment Number on Workbook S-140 Legacy template. (GitHub discussion)
  • Image Image The Assignment Number is now included on the Custom Student Assignment Slip template.
  • Image Image The Exporting S-89 Data feature is now compatible with the new S-89 11/23 assignment slips.
  • Image Image The Meeting Editor was not detecting the installed S-89 11/23 templates on new installations of the software.
  • Internal: Updated WebView2 NuGet Package.

New Version IconVersion 24.2.5 - 2024 Edition (11.12.2023)

  • Image Image Include Assignment Number on Workbook S-140 templates. (GitHub discussion)
  • Image Image Add support for the S-89 11/23 student assignment slips. (GitHub discussion)

New Version IconVersion 24.2.4 - 2024 Edition (28.11.2023)

  • Image Image It is now possible to customize the Date and Time on your schedules. (GitHub discussion)
  • Image Image Improved the ability to update the database for public talks. (GitHub discussion)
  • Image Image A more informative and functional Slips tab. (GitHub discussion)
  • Image Image Discussion (with Video) assignments are now included when detecting duplicate assignments.
  • Image Image Printing Personal Copies does not include the Discussion (with Video) Assignments. (GitHub discussion)
  • Image Image Corrected issue with downloading December 2023 monthly data (some student material information was wrong).

New Version IconVersion 24.2.3 - 2024 Edition (20.11.2023)

New Version IconVersion 24.2.2 - 2024 Edition (18.11.2023)

New Version IconVersion 24.2.1 - 2024 Edition (18.11.2023)

New Version IconVersion 24.2.0 - 2024 Edition (18.11.2023)

  • Image Fixed a bug that was preventing the software from starting for some users.
  • The Meeting Editor now supports the new changes made to the Meeting Workbook that came into affect in January 2024. (GitHub discussion)
  • Image Image Revised the Assignment Material window to support the Love People brochure and two Discussion (with Video) assignments.
  • Image Image You can now assign two brothers on the Discussion (with Video) assignments window.
  • Image Image Updated Workbook templates.
  • Image Image Updated Worksheet templates.

New Version IconVersion 24.1.4 - 2024 Edition (09.11.2023)

  • Image Image Database menu added to the Assignments Editor for consistency.
  • Image Image Database menu added to the Meeting Editor for consistency.
  • Image Image Database menu added to the Weekend Meeting Editor for consistency.
  • Image Image Added Talk History list to the Weekend Meeting Editor. (GitHub discussion)
  • Image Updated the design of the Congregations Setup window. It is now possible to create a Hospitality List report. (GitHub discussion)
  • Image Updated the design of the main application window. (GitHub discussion)

New Version IconVersion 24.1.3 - 2024 Edition (24.10.2023)

  • Image Updated the design of the Publishers database window. (GitHub discussion)
  • Image Corrected all Online Help hyperlinks. They got broken when I changed to a new domain host.

New Version IconVersion 24.1.2 - 2024 Edition (19.10.2023)

  • Image Image It is now possible to include a bulleted list of announcements in the Concluding Comments section of the Chairman's Worksheet Notes.

New Version IconVersion 24.1.1 - 2024 Edition (12.10.2023)

  • Image Image It is now possible to assign more than two away talks on the Weekend Meeting Editor. All default templates have also been updated.
  • Image Image The Weekend Meeting Editor displays a new popup window Add / Edit Away Talk assignments.
  • Image Image The History data now includes additional Away Talk information (eg. date) You can upgrade your database by opening your recent MWB data files and saving them again. Make sure you click Yes to the prompt to update the assignment history.
  • Image Image The Import (from Public Talks software application) now supports more than two away talks.
  • Image Image The Import from Database History too now includes the additional Away Talk information (eg. date).
  • Image Image The Meeting Workbook Transfer tool now includes the required Congregations database information. Please note that MWT files created with older versions of the software are no longer supported and can't be used.
  • Image Image Changes to Speakers' availability was not getting saved to the Congregations database.

New Version IconVersion 24.1.0 - 2024 Edition (27.09.2023)

  • Image Manage public talk information.
  • Image Submit changes to public talk information.
  • Image Download and install updates to public talk information.
  • Image Report Viewer for public talk information.
  • Image Choose from three built-in reports or design your own custom script.
  • Image The Publishers database is now located on the new Database menu.
  • Image The Congregations database is now located on the new Database menu.

New Version IconVersion 24.0.4 - 2024 Edition (18.09.2023)

  • Image Image New Public Talks database feature. This is not complete yet and has no help topics.
  • Image Image Fixed bug with Portuguese public talk titles database.

New Version IconVersion 24.0.3 - 2024 Edition (05.09.2023)

  • Image It is now possible to select the day of the week that the weekend meetings are held on for each congregation. The default is Sunday.
  • Image Image The Meeting Date and Time are now included on the Weekend Meeting Editor window. And it is now possible to override these times on a one-off basis.
  • Image Image The Workbook templates have been updated to include the away talk meeting date and time.
  • Image Bug fixes.

New Version IconVersion 24.0.2 - 2024 Edition (01.09.2023)

  • Image It is now possible to move a speaker from one congregation to another. See Change Congregation for more information.
  • Image Image New shortcuts for managing congregation database speakers have been added to the Weekend Meeting Editor window.

New Version IconVersion 24.0.1 - 2024 Edition (28.08.2023)

  • Image Image New Add to list of assigned talks popup menu added to the Weekend Meeting Editor window. This is a quick way to add the selected talk number to the speakers list of assigned talk. It saves you having to go to through the Congregations Database menu navigation to do it.
  • Image Image Fixed a bug in the Weekend Meeting Editor. Some of the drop-down lists weren't updating correctly when you used the Import tool.
  • Image The main application window needed to be made wider because one of the toolbar icons was being cropped off.

New Version IconVersion 24.0.0 - 2024 Edition (26.08.2023)

  • Image Added Report Viewer icon to the main application toolbar.
  • Image New Congregations Database menu has been introduced! You can manage congregations and speakers from here.
  • Image You can now assign publishers to a Field Service Group. New features have been added to the Publishers Database window let you add / edit / delete groups as required.
  • Image You can now filter the list of publishers by Field Service Group on the Publishers Database window.
  • Image New menu item Report Viewer has been added to the Database menu on the Publishers Database window. This will display the Report Viewer. Select one of several reports and print or save to PDF. Other templates can be imported into the viewer, but they must begin with the term publisherdb.
  • Image New Field Service Group report template has been added to the software#8202;. And several Custom report templates have been moved from the Meeting Editor.
  • Image Image New Group filter added to the Student Selector window.
  • Image You can now select how many Cleaning assignments include on your assignment schedules. Available options are 0, 1 and 2. The default is 1. Make sure you have set up all the field service groups.
  • Image You can now customize the headings for the new cleaning assignments.The default headings are Cleaning 1 and Cleaning 2. Possible headings could be Spot Clean and Hall Clean.
  • Image Image Abort button added to the Select Starting Names window. This allows you to abort the automatic assigning process.
  • Image Image Updated the Select Starting Names window. Clicking a name in the history list will now get select in the associated drop-down list (unless the publish is not in the drop-down list).
  • Image Image Fixed a bug with the Single Column tool. It was using the wrong names for some assignments. This issue was introduced when we added support for sorted columns.
  • Internal: Updated Boost to version 1.82.0
  • Internal: Updated WebView2 NuGet Package.

Meeting Schedule Assistant 23.0

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