56 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Event
- Kick-off (PPT and Video)
- Grand Finale (PPT and Video)
- Team Details
- PITCH category
- First Prize:
- Team Members:
- Second Prize:
- Team Members:
- Third Prize:
- Team Members:
- JAM Category and Audience Choice Award
- First Prize:
- Team Members:
- 2018 Spring Hack A ROO
- Assurance Argument Writer for HLC Accreditation Reaffirmation by UMKC Provost's Office
- Car Gas Mileage Calculator Mobile App by H&R Block
- CommunityConnect Usecase
- DealsWebsite usecase
- DST usecase
- Event Guidelines
- Financial Inspiration by H&R Block
- Group the related TED talks
- Hack A ROO 2018 Spring Winners
- Hackathon Winners
- hogan usecase
- IBM Usecase
- Library Book Recommendation System by Rygbee
- Micro Service Monitoring by IBM
- Multipost usecase
- Online Doctor Appointment by Rashmi Manikanta
- Phone Mode Change by karthik
- Predicting the house prices by Saria
- Quiz Winners
- Radar Alert of Opioid Overdoses Deaths by DST
- Request Log Analysis Usecase
- Resume Filtering by Megha
- Sleep Patterns Analysis Usecase
- Smart Drug Drug Interaction Detector by Mayo Clinic
- Smart Garden ML Usecase
- Smart Garden using Scratch
- Smart Gardening Usecase
- Support team interface by Pradyumna
- ToyBees Billing and Recommendation System by Sidrah
- UMKC SCE Bitcoin Prediction
- UMKC SCE Chatbot
- UMKC SCE usecase
- usecase1
- usecases
- Usecases
- Vin Solutions Usecase
- Web based Hackathon Management Tool
- yoodle usecase
- Yoodle Usecase II
- Yoospots In image Advertising with Interactive Hotspots by Yoodle