Vin Solutions Usecase - UMKCNSF/UMKC--HACKATHON GitHub Wiki

TradeIn Value Ranking:

A trade-in vehicle is a vehicle a car shopper surrenders to a car dealer in whole or, usually, part payment of a new car purchase. You will be provided a dataset that contains images of customer trade-ins with their associated pricing. Your challenge is to find a correlation between vehicle images and its pricing and predict the value/price/ranking of a trade-in given images. You must use machine learning to solve this challenge.

Application Features:

Given used car images, your solution must predict either:

  1. its value or price

  2. its value /price ranking among other trade-ins

Evaluation Guidelines

  1. You must be able to articulate your approach

  2. You must design your system in a way that allows for adding more features

  3. Completeness of your solution will be evaluated based on your customer-facing user experience, architecture, design, and originality


You may also refer to available machine learning or deep learning algorithms

NOTE: The dataset will be shared after the use case assignment.