Page Index - SENG-350-2024-fall/Team3 GitHub Wiki
27 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Admin Usecase Diagram and Table
- Milestone 2: All Diagrams
- Milestone 2: Incremental Construction
- Milestone 3: Architectural Tactic for Availability
- Milestone 3: Contribution Summary
- Milestone 3: Design Patterns
- Milestone 3: Incremental Construction
- Milestone 3: Updated Diagrams
- Milestone 4: Architecture Background
- Milestone 4: Architecture Documentation Package
- Milestone 4: Contribution Summary
- Milestone 4: Design Diagrams and System Description
- Milestone 4: Documentation Roadmap
- Milestone 4: Glossary and Acronyms
- Milestone 4: Implementation Discussion
- Milestone 4: Question Set and Review Results
- Milestone 4: Referenced Material
- Milestone 4: View
- Mister ED System Description
- Nurse Usecase Diagram and Table
- Paramedics Usecase Diagram and Table
- Patient Usecase Diagram and Tables
- Peer Review Question Set
- Pharmacist Usecase Diagram and Tables
- Team 9 Feedback
- Test