Milestone 4: Glossary and Acronyms - SENG-350-2024-fall/Team3 GitHub Wiki

Branch Merges: The process of combining separate branches of code in a version control system (such as Git). A "branch" refers to a separate line of development, and a "merge" combines them into a single branch.

DBeaver: A database management tool used to interact with and modify the database. It allows administrators to manage data entries, such as user schedules and doctor information.

ED (Emergency Department): Refers to the hospital's emergency room where patients receive urgent medical treatment. This system incorporates ED data to manage queues and load information for patients.

LLM (Large Language Model): A type of artificial intelligence model used to process and understand human language. In this context, it refers to the integration of a language model like ChatGPT to help analyze patient data and recommend actions.

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol): A type of communication protocol used for sending emails through the Internet. In this system, it is used to send confirmation emails to users regarding their ED visits.

Triage: The process of determining the priority of patients' treatments based on the severity of their condition. In this system, it refers to the virtual assessment of patient symptoms and needs.

UI (User Interface): The graphical layout and design elements that users use to interact with the system.

ChatGPT API: Application Programming Interface that allows the system to integrate ChatGPT (a specific large language model) to generate responses and assist with triage analysis.