Mister ED System Description - SENG-350-2024-fall/Team3 GitHub Wiki

The Mister Ed application is designed to enhance the efficiency and accessibility of Emergency Departments by streamlining the patient intake and triage process. As EDs often face overcrowding and long wait times, Mister Ed serves as a tool for both patients and healthcare providers, to manage healthcare needs more effectively. By the use of a virtual triage and knowledge of the current load EDs in their area, the system will assess the symptoms of patients who may require medical assistance at a nearby ED, and recommend the best course of action for each individual case - for instance, to attend the ED, attend a clinic, at home treatment, etc. This way, the patients who require immediate medical assistance can be given priority among others, and consequently, lines and wait times will significantly decrease. The Mister Ed system can also be interfaced by the healthcare workers at each respective ED. By using virtual triages, the application not only improves operational efficiency but also elevates the overall patient experience in emergency healthcare settings.