Soviet Union - Ruinscraft/mcatlas-history GitHub Wiki
The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was started on September 24, 2020, before being dissolved on March 7, 2021; The Father of The Soviet Union was Khrusch, whose friendly demeanor and willingness to commit to a server Democratic experiment was applauded by many but scorned or ridiculed by others. Khruschovno took heavy inspiration from Nikita Khruschev's reforms of the new soviet living standard, as well as much of the policy from Mikhail Gorbachev, inspiration from his social democratization and perestroika. It was headed by Soviet-Advisor Daffyhat as the de-facto head of state with the in-game King towny rank for the last week. The former leading party of the Soviet Union before Khruschovno's dissolution, who won the election by a landslide, was the Bolshevik Coalition, headed by Prime Minister onag, with death044 as Minister of Foreign Affairs, KrazyKroww as Minister of Defense, Pumfee as Minister of the Economy, and phottooo as a joint minister and towny advisor for Khrusch. The USSR was started by the towns of Leningrad, Everyland, and Kyiv, amongst others, seceding from Eurasia. It quickly expanded and became the top nation on the nation list, with over 300 people, causing a crisis of anger in Eurasia, the former top nation.
Despite being named after the Soviet Union, a real-life country well known for its heavy paranoia, and state-control for most of its existence, the country's constitution ensured a social-democratic and liberal-style multi-party democratic, albeit even more bureaucratic, government system, inspired by Mikhail Gorbachev and the social-democratic systems of countries such as the modern Kingdom of Norway and Finland. The Soviet Union, at its peak, contained nearly 350 people, about half that of the historically largest nation, Moust4che2's first German Empire angering Eurasian leadership as it took the spot as the most populous and powerful nation. The Union remained number 5 on the nation list before dissolution, with just under 120 people.
The Soviet Union, at its peak, contained the Russian SFSR, the French SFSR, the Baltic SFSR, the Spanish SSR, the Ukrainian SSR, the Mesopotamian SSR, the Caucasian SSR, and the Central Asian SSR.
Eurasian crisis
The plan of leaving Eurasia to create the USSR was known for some time, creating fear for the future in the former top nation. With the secession, many Eurasian citizens expressed anger at the USSR's questionable practices. They accused the new nation of stealing towns and "harassing" and/or "bribing" mayors to leave Eurasia. Crowblers, Catatonic, and Jengordyn entered the early Soviet Union's Discord server for espionage reasons, which quickly turned into a puerile spam-fest provocation by perq, leading to the USSR leadership claiming it to be a (Discord) server raid. Soon after this, there was a short-lived skirmish between the Eurasian-Monarchy Coalition, containing the Grand Kingdom of Eurasia, the French Empire, and the Kingdom of Romania, headed by Prime Minister Death044 of Eurasia, as well as partially lead by Emperor Pumfee of the French, and King AlfredoFettucine of Romania, against the coalition of the Greater Soviet Union, containing the Soviet Union proper, and the Transcaucasian People`s S.S.R., lead by Khruschovno, Daffyhat, Dimavr2, and Gagik_Crafter. Soon after, however, mainly due to internal economic stagnation and political turmoil within the French Empire, along with a sentiment for Khrusch, Pumfee would regret his decision and pull out of the conflict, turning against Death044 in vocal criticism. The Kingdom of Romania soon followed suit and pulled out of the conflict as well. Political turmoil and independence movements within Eurasia were brewing and Death044 came to regret his decision making.
The Unstable Decline of Eurasia and the Growth of the new USSR
Shortly before and during the conflict between the Soviet Union and Eurasia, Crowblers created the short-lived British Empire, splitting parts of Eurasia off from itself, mostly Britain, Ireland, and Belgium, causing nearly 60 people to exit Eurasia. Shortly after the Soviet-Eurasian Conflict, a newfound sentiment for Soviet leadership, internal political turmoil, pressure from the Soviets and their allies, and mainly economic stagnation, leading to France becoming a satellite state of the Soviet Union as the French Soviet Socialist Republic, (functioning in mostly the same way as Transcaucasia). This decision was made by Pumfee and close Parisian advisors, however, it is unknown whether this decision was made with popular democratic support or not, however, it is assumed that it was not. France soon saw a resurgence in economic and population growth as well as political stability once again. The Soviet Union, France, and other independent nations continued to accumulate new towns and older towns from Eurasia. The Soviet Union and the Yerevan Pact, also commonly called the Paris-Leningrad Pact, officially the Treaty of Friendship, Political Unity, and Mutual Assistance, continued to grow and accumulate collective power throughout the Eurasia continent.
As the Yerevan Pact quickly grew, especially in population, economic output, and political influence. The Soviet Union saw much more activity within the Kremlin Soviet Parliament, causing more economic tweaking around the edges and a lot of bureaucracy. Due to external pressure, and Pumfee increasingly running France and its policy more on his own, finding it increasingly more difficult, lead to the merge of the French S.S.R. into the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics as the French Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, an equal political status to its Russian counterpart. Pumfee's political influence as a major independent Senator within the USSR increased.
The French-Soviet Split
A coalition was formed between the FCP/CPSU and the Bolshevik party as the collective Bolshevik Coalition, wishing to establish more uniformity, automated economic development, and even more so well-known for, more centralization of the Soviet political and economic systems. The Bolsheviks established several popular reforms within the Soviet Union. However, later on, wishing to obtain more control and encompass more towns and people into the politics of democratic centralization, Pumfee, with approval and help from onag and phottooo, declared that the Bolshevik coalition should be the sole policy leadership of the Soviet Union, reorganizing into the formal Communist Party of the Soviet Union. They threatened to seperate the French S.F.S.R. from the Union and several others with it. France along with other republics split from the diminishing Soviet Union, due to a large split in the Soviet government between the Khruschovno social-democratic anti-communist members, and the soviet-patriotist anti-revisionist Bolshevik Coalition. On March 2021, Elections were not held in the nation in the first time in it's history, and also the first time that Khrusch was not in control of the nation, leading to the last week of the nation being an authoritarian state run by Daffyhat, with the senators from last election staying in power, and Khrusch being in the shadows, being merely a puppet, to the real person in power.
Bavaria Soviet War
Greater Bavaria declares war on the Soviet Union. During the war, Greater Bavaria steals 5+ towns from the Soviet Union and overtakes them on /n list. Crowblers and Daffyhat after 3 weeks made peace as long as the Soviet Union would enemy France.
The Soviet Union proper was officially disbanded, by Daffyhat, on the 7th of March, 2021, an era of Soviet dominance was over, this is a large fact to, Khrusch, the most prominent figure in the nation, quitting permanently from MCATLAS. Overall, the (non-super)majority of Soviet towns joined the German Empire. France however, is the largest nation that arose independently, in succession, of the former USSR, much of Khruschovno Era symbolism can still be found in Soviet France towns, including Paris. The French Union of Soviet Republics strove to continue the legacy and honor the history of the greater Soviet Union, but ultimately capitulated as the last major nation to withstand the German Empire, on April 11, 2021. Since then, Europe and Western Asia have been under total German Empire dominance, except for a few sporadic but short-lived nation attempts.
The Remnants of The Union and The Conclusion to The Fall of Democracy
For the remainder of March, Daffyhat led the Soviet Union's remnants, though the nation and server were entering a downturn and continued bleeding towns and residents. On April 2nd of 2021, former Soviet Senator and Autarch of The Great City of Meereen, Auchimonde, who was the founder of the Centrist and Anti-Communist Ascension Party, consulted with Daffyhat and assumed control of the dying nation. Auchimonde made The Great City of Meereen the new capital but quickly realized the complications of older towns' allegiance with soviet left-wing liberal ideals would be unsustainable in the long term. Auchimonde turned his eye toward the emerging and rapidly growing nation of [The Balkan Union](The Balkan Union) lead by his friend Tkalash, and the two strong leaders' national visions were aligned. They both recognized that the Soviet Union's noble and for a time, successful, Democratic system, and one of the server's most, if not the most, successful Democracies, in the era of Democracy in MCAtlas Europe, had to come to an end. The new leaders established a strong central Benevolent Autocracy, as a sort of dutiful prescription for the manner in which they rule and use these powers. With their combined strength, The Autocracy of The Two Protocol had come into effect to mark the transition of what would soon become the German Empire. The French government, soon espoused this name revival by Daffyhat to be a disgrace to the Soviet legacy for the mentioned evident reasons of no longer resembling any democracy and being just a nostalgic dictatorship of Daffyhat. Unfortunately for the Daffyhat and the Soviet Union Remnants nation, the admins removed the /mergenation command long ago due to alleged "abuse", and so the Autocracy of the Two could not combine, even though Daffyhat is inactive and does not wish to run his own nation. So in that essence, the central nation that once was The Eternal Soviet Union created by Khrusch and Daffyhat, one of the server's most powerful, noble, and successful nations, had finally been deleted. France, in sort of an East vs West Roman Empire fashion, was temporarily the last remnant to honor and succeed the Soviet system and aesthetic, although the original Khrusch-aligned Soviet Union proper, for now, is gone; only just another entry into the MCAtlas historical archive.
On 4/21/21, the Transcaucasian Soviet Socialist Republic Caucasian SSR, finally became simply, Transcaucasia; marking the end of the Soviet system as well the end of the long lasting The Democratic Experiment, and marking the new political era, The Age of Autocracy.
Currently, some Communist, Socialist, and Soviet, and some French remnants, are represented within the German Empire or independently throughout Europe through the Second Bolshevik Coalition lead by the Communist Party of the Eastern Deutschesreich, the reorganization of the first Bolshevik Coalition and French Communist Party within the eastern German Empire. This Union includes the towns of Krasnodar, Georgia, Kyiv, Tulcea, Paris, and Lyskovo, and provides autonomy for these towns within Germany. For a short period, the town of Catalonia was included, but the town-region no longer exists. However, while these towns are in an organized Communist Party, these towns wish one day to break off from the German Empire, who do not share their ideals and create the Second Soviet Republic, more refined and more leftist then the last, but they still belong to the greater German Empire, which has a strong central Autocratic government, and comply with the higher authority. But the Kaiser and other government officials consult with the Second Bolshevik Coalition members on issues pertaining to national advancement and betterment.
October 2020 - December 2020 - Multi Party Parliamentary Republic
January 2021 - One Party Parliamentary Republic
December 2020; February 2021 - Two Party Parliamentary Republic
March 1st-8th 2021 - Daffyhatist Authoritarian State