onag - Ruinscraft/mcatlas-history GitHub Wiki
onag, previously known as ark_van_corona, is a well-known player in MCAtlas.
onag was the mayor of Tehran and the builder of the largest wheat farm in MCAtlas (found right next to Trident) He joined in early July when MCAtlas was brand new and joined Tokyo, he was later kicked for inactivity. He stayed inactive for the rest of 2019 and most of the winter. He started playing again with mantjas, a friend of him. They ventured through Asia and stumbled across an unfinished building in Tehran. That's where he decided to found his town, Tehran. Tehran remained private for a long time and was very isolated until when in a few days they had increased the town bank by about 20x. This made them way more confident about the fate of Tehran. They started inviting friends over to build houses and greatly developed infrastructure. The boom has now mostly faded away, with onag being the most active member. A few days ago, onag decided to build a wheat farm the server had never seen, at the time of writing this, the farm is more than 3000m² and far from completion.
In late september, after months of boredom, Tehran had fallen to 1 resident and onag decided to disband it and joined Austria, later renamed to Austrograd, then ruled by aaquamarine. He left because he was far away from Leningrad and the overclaim was too high.
onag moved to Lithuania to be closer to Leningrad.
onag disbanded Lithuania and created the town of Alsace after leaving the Soviet Union to join the newly created nation of France. He is an assistant in the nation, with the title of Grand Duke.
onag created Grosseto in preparation of taking Rome when it would fall, but gave up his plans to join superiorob's Rome for assistant Rank.
Rome is the first town he was in where he isn't Comayor or Mayor since early July 2019.