Crowblers - Ruinscraft/mcatlas-history GitHub Wiki
Crowblers joined MCAtlas on July 21st, 2019. He is one of the few active players from July 2021 and plays almost everyday. He joined many towns July-August 2019, and finally made his first town in early November 2019. His former mayor, Waymanites, the owner of Louisiana, completely goes inactive after Crowblers moves out of Louisiana, mostly because of how much of a help Crowblers had been with building most of Louisiana. His first town was in Norway and he named it Nidaros. While in Nidaros he built many Viking longships, and attempted to recruit residents. He joined moust4che2's German Empire a few days later and remains in the nation until it's fall. A few weeks before the German Empire's deletion he made the town Belgium, probably Crowblers' most successful towns he has ever made. When the German Empire Crowblers was confused, and remained without a nation for about a week until he joined Malyesa's Roman Empire. He was in the Roman Empire for about a month before he left to join the nation of Atlantic. While in Atlantic Crowblers does many things, he built a star destroyer where Paris currently is, he recruited over 100 members, and started to get good at pvp. During this period he also met Cationicgolf385, it began when Cationic checked out Crowblers star destroyer, Crowblers killed Cation time after time when he tried to get into the town. Crowblers sold back Cations loot multiple times and Crowblers continues to annoy Cation. Cationic eventually makes a town in Africa, during this time Crowblers killed Cation over 1000 times, causing much trauma for Cation. As Crowblers and Cation hanged out more, they became friends as they both like the Star Wars prequals. He made the Belgian Empire on June 13th, 2020. Crowblers nation quickly got to #5 on top nations and remained that way for a few months. Due to increasing activity Crowblers disbands the nation and joins Eurasia.
Crowblers made Bristol on July 1st 2020. A few months later he claims all of southern England and a month later moves to Chicago. Crowblers leaves Bristol now named London to Cation. Crowblers moved to Germany and makes Bavaria, Bavaria was his most successful nation, reaching over 200 members. He gives his nation to an old friend, eightvolt. A little while later eightvolt proved to be a horrible nation leader and Crowblers and Daffyhat overthrew eightvolt. Crowblers moves to Indonesia with Cation and now they make plans for their town. Cationic and Crowblers leave Indonesia and move to Bordeaux where they create Southern France. Crowblers build a Venator Star Destroyer in the Bay of Biscay and they build the largest bunker seen on MCATLAS right under Bordeaux. The bunker, named Sadam Husseins Hideout, was the largest bunker ever on MCATLAS. It contained a nuclear missile in the main silo. It had multiple Dassault Rafales, a French fighter jet inside the bunkers. It had a submarine moon pool, a redstone nuclear reactor, 10+ floors of housing facilities, redstone locking system doors, and massive farming land, all underground.
After Crowblers finished this project he expanded his empire Southern France all across Europe, Crowblers and just_perq created many highways and railroads spanning across Europe. After this Crowblers expanded on the Empires space tech creating multiple satellites across MCATLAS. Crowblers moved the Capital from Bordeaux to Bergen, renaming the nation to Greater Norway and becoming the last super nation on MCATLAS and the first large Norwegian nation. After the creation of many projects in Norway Crowblers hands over the nation to just_perq. Crowblers moves to the middle of Russia to live out the rest of his days in his last castle. After living 180 Minecraft years on MCATLAS Crowblers dies in an explosion in Tianjing on December 31st, 2021. Crowblers was later put at rest in Berlin with many others like superiorob, boomac, troncat etc. Crowblers was involved in nearly every major German Empire on MCATLAS along with the other 2019 players.
Last screenshot of MCATLAS taken by Crowblers on December 31st, 2021, at 12:04pm.