Kyiv - Ruinscraft/mcatlas-history GitHub Wiki
Kyiv is a great city located in the heart of Ukraine. Historically, the first Kyiv was originally created and built by Progetto, and it was the capital of the Second Russian Empire. Later, it was sold off to TheMuricanEagle, who later abandoned it. It was restored in August 2020 by Daffyhat and joined Eurasia about two weeks after creation. It has since left Eurasia to join the USSR. It is ruled by Comrade Advisor Daffyhat. Its population peak is 59 people. It has multiple colonies in various countries.
"The new imperial domain of Kyiv will lead this city to greatness" - old town motto
Important events
Kyiv fought a war against Stalone.
Kyiv has many colonies, including ones in the Atlantic, Southern England, the Mediterranean, Egypt, and Belarus.