The Democratic Experiment - Ruinscraft/mcatlas-history GitHub Wiki
The Democratic Experiment
The Democratic Experiment refers to the different democratic policies, towns, nations, and alliances attempted throughout the history of MCAtlas. It is the first Political Era of MCAtlas, and it began on the MCAtlas's founding on July 2nd, 2019, with the last full nation governed by it, changing to autocracy. The most memorable, and considered the most successful of these cases was the Soviet Union, which grew to a incorporate dozens of towns and over 300 players. It had enough extensive policies, allowing for a limited representative multi-party semi-soviet democracy to take shape. Other nations, like Eurasia, attempted a similar government, but none were as successful or organized as The Soviet Union, yet they still managed to try and uphold a democratic process. The Soviet Social Policies attracted many, and allowed for a temporary economic flourishing of the nation. However, as is the same for all Socialist and Communist systems, government tensions and instability, some economic strains, the departing of famous player advocates for Democratic Systems, national dissatisfaction, and the increasing power consolidation of rising foreign authorities, ultimately lead to its collapse, setting off a chain of events and reforms in other nations, until the last Soviet-style Democratic nation, whose political system changed on 4/21/21 to switch to an Autocracy, which many believe was ultimately a failure, though others believed it was the reason of the greed of the leadership and the powerful and apathy of citizens and players, as well as a general fatigue of democracy. However, democratic sympathizers still exist, and their considerations and opinions are being considered and heard by current national leaders around the world, who continue to try and find a balanced system where citizens voices are heard as well as having creative, goal-oriented, effective leadership to willing to execute the necessary changes to bring about a better future for all. The end of the last fully democratic run state on 4/21/21 also marked the beginning of another political era, and also a MCAtlas first, The Age of Autocracy.
During the early days of the Age of Autocracy, Pumfee, and phottooo, former Democratic Champions, advocated and argued for a review on Democratic practices in The German Empire. Having consulted with the other leaders of the German Empire, they were approved by leadership to establish a Representative Democracy in the French-Soviet revival town of Krasnodar, where town members may engage in the classical democratic style used by the late Soviet Union, all for the purposes of historical appreciation and scientific study for the better advancement of semi-Autocratic nations around the world.
A historical timecapsule of the Democratic Experiment was still continuing proudly in the town of Krasnodar, yet has since died.
The Democratic Experiment is undergoing a rejuvenation in the process of the reconstruction of the Soviet Union, and most notably Yugoslavia. This is being done, arguably with elements of the age of autocracy, making the future of these experiments seem bright. Yugoslavia continuing the construction of Socialism, thereby applying a democratic, yet highly centralized system, with the vanguard party internally applying Democratic Centralism within, and the government externally applying Democratic Appraisal amongst its populous. Pumfee and Yugoslavia expect the future Soviet Union to follow suit.
Prominent faces of the Democratic Experiment
Pumfee - Currently Head of the Democratic Transitional Government for the Reconstruction of Yugoslavia and Albania.
Phottooo - Prominent figure, and partisan of the experiment, PM of the Former Soviet Union (December 2020-February 2021), former Gen Sec of the New Soviet Union, President of the People's Republic of China
onag - Prominent figure, and PM for the mayority of the Soviet Union. (October 2020 - December 2020) (February 2021), left the Soviet Union during the coup d'êtat of February.
Khrusch - Former Leader of the Soviet Union (October 2020-Febuary 2021)
Daffyhat - Former Leader of the Soviet Union (Febuary-March 2021) Former Co-Leader (October 2020-Febuary 2021)
JohannesMir3v - Leader of Eastern Iceland and Democracy Fanboy