Page Index - RenegadeMinds/testbed GitHub Wiki
110 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Overview
- Step 0: Blockchain Basics
- Step 1: xayad
- Step 2: The Game State Processor
- Step 3: libxayagame
- Step 4: Run xayad for Games
- Step 5: Hello World!
- Step 6: Mover
- Next...
- Things to Skim Quickly
- Background and Additional Information
- XAYA Specifications
- Wallets
- XAYA RPC Methods
- libxayagame: The Core Engine for Games
- Start Coding with Hello World
- Hello World in C++
- Hello World in C#
- Mover
- Developer Support
- Guides and Tutorials
- Blockchain Basics
- XAYA Specifications
- XAYA RPC Methods
- RPC Windows C# Tutorial
- libxayagame
- Component Relationships
- How to Wire Up libxayagame in C#
- Hello World!
- Mover Sample Game Overview
- Mover Sharp - A C# Implementation
- Mover in Unity
- Regtestnet
- Getting Started with xaya-cli
- XAYA Electron Wallet Help
- About
- Blockchain Basics
- Blockchain General
- Compile C# Wrapper for libxayagame
- Daemon Flags
- Daemon Options
- Data Directory
- Downloads
- Electron Help
- First Steps
- First steps add in content
- forwardCallbackResult
- forwardCallbackResult and Processing Moves
- forwardCallbackResult and Processing Moves
- Get a wallet
- Get Some CHI
- Get Started with Substrate Names
- Getting Move Data in forwardCallbackResult
- glossary
- Hello World C++
- Hello World with SQLite
- Hello World!
- High level Overview of libxayagame
- How are there no servers
- How can I update my game in a decentralised way
- How do I
- How to Compile libxayagame
- How to Compile libxayagame in Ubuntu
- How to Compile libxayagame in Ubuntu
- How to Compile libxayagame in Ubuntu short
- How to Compile libxayagame in Ubuntu short
- How to Compile libxayagame in Ubuntu updated
- How to Compile libxayagame in Windows
- How to Wire Up libxayagame in C#
- libxayagame Component Relationships
- List of Dependencies for libxayagame in Windows
- Mover
- Mover C++
- Mover Console Tutorial
- Name History
- Navigation
- Prerequisites
- Quick Start
- Regtestnet
- RPC Windows C# Tutorial
- Running xayad for games
- The Game Processor
- TODO List
- Top
- Unity Architecture
- Unity Mover Tutorial
- Unreal and Unity
- Why is it impossible to cheat on XAYA
- xaya cli
- XAYA in a nutshell
- XAYA QT Toolkit
- XAYA RPC Methods
- XAYA RPC Methods List
- XAYA RPC Methods Reference
- XAYA RPC Tutorial
- xaya.conf
- xayad Startup Flags
- XayaStateProcessor
- XAYAWrapper