How to Compile libxayagame - RenegadeMinds/testbed GitHub Wiki

How to Compile libxayagame

In this tutorial, we'll compile libxayagame so that we can use it in other tutorials and even in our own games. Follow the instructions below exactly and do not deviate from them.

Get Downloads

You will need to have several downloads and/or programs installed.

  1. MSYS2
  2. Git
  3. libxayagame
  4. libxayagame compiler files


Download MSYS2 x86_64 ( from this link:

Install into default path C:/msys64 then run MSYS2 (the 64-bit version and NOT the 32-bit version) from your Start menu.


Git is a prerequisite for the scripts used to compile libxayagame and must be installed. You can get Git from several sources.


Open up MSYS2. You should be in your home folder, i.e. /home/<username>/. If not, navigate there.

Use git to close the libxayagame repository.

git clone

Do not cd into the libxayagame folder.

libxayagame Compiler Files

You will need several files to compile libxayagame.

  • input1.txt
  • input2.txt
  • libglog.pc
  • lmdb.pc
  • stubgeneratorfactory.cpp
  • stubgeneratorfactory.h

Download them here.

Copy Required Files

Copy all those files into C:\msys64\home\<username>\. Do not copy into a subfolder. The files must be in the "username" folder.

Some files will be deleted when they are no longer needed.

  • libglog.pc
  • lmdb.pc
  • stubgeneratorfactory.cpp
  • stubgeneratorfactory.h

If you need to start over, make certain to copy them to your username folder again.

Command 1

In MSYS2, run the following command.

cat "input1.txt" | ./

Wait for it to finish.

Command 2

In MSYS2, run the following command.

cat "input2.txt" | ./

Wait for it to finish.


Congratulations! You've just built your own GSP using libxayagame. You can now proceed on to the Hello World in C++ tutorial where we'll put libxayagame to good use!

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