glossary - RenegadeMinds/testbed GitHub Wiki
The following defines or clarifies terminology and jargon.
Note that many terms are quite maleable, and different terms can be used in the same context to mean the same thing. Further, some jargon is specific in some contexts but differs in others, e.g. the term "function" in JavaScript does not have the same meaning in C++, but has the same meaning as "method" in C#. As such, the following guide is only meant to pertain to language as how it is used inside of XAYA documentation.
flags: Flags are often binary markers that are either on or off (true or false). However, many systems extend the use of flags to use data. The use of "flags" throughout the computing industry is not consistent.
coin: A coin runs on its own blockchain. Bitcoin and XAYA (CHI) are both coins.
token: Tokens are not native to a blockchain, but run on a blockchain. The most common examples of this are ERC-20 tokens running on the Ethereum blockchain.
name: There are 2 distinct senses of "name". The first is the strict and technical sense where a name includes a namespace. However, in regular parlance when the namespace is understood, the namespace is dropped and the remainder is the "name".
network: There are 2 distinct senses of "network". The first is the normal sense such as in the internet or local area network. The second sense is "the XAYA network". The XAYA network is the network that the XAYA blockchain runs on. Further, there are 3 XAYA networks: mainnet, testnet, and regtest. Unless specified otherwise, the XAYA network is mainnet.