XAYA RPC Methods List - RenegadeMinds/testbed GitHub Wiki
The following is an exhaustive list and can be obtained through the XAYA QT or Electron wallet console by typing help
For more information on any given method, type help <command>
in the console.
For guidance and help with the most important methods for XAYA, see the XAYA RPC Methods tutorial.
Also see Bitcoin Developer Reference for additional information on these methods. Note that the Bitcoin documentation is not completely up to date and some information is missing.
- getbestblockhash
- getblock "blockhash" ( verbosity )
- getblockchaininfo
- getblockcount
- getblockhash height
- getblockheader "hash" ( verbose )
- getblockstats hash_or_height ( stats )
- getchaintips
- getchaintxstats ( nblocks blockhash )
- getdifficulty
- getmempoolancestors txid ( verbose )
- getmempooldescendants txid ( verbose )
- getmempoolentry txid
- getmempoolinfo
- getrawmempool ( verbose )
- gettxout "txid" n ( include_mempool )
- gettxoutproof ["txid",...] ( blockhash )
- gettxoutsetinfo
- preciousblock "blockhash"
- pruneblockchain
- savemempool
- scantxoutset <action> ( <scanobjects> )
- verifychain ( checklevel nblocks )
- verifytxoutproof "proof"
- getmemoryinfo ("mode")
- help ( "command" )
- logging ( <include> <exclude> )
- stop
- uptime
- game_sendupdates "gameid" "fromblock" ("toblock")
- trackedgames ("command" "gameid")
- generate nblocks ( maxtries ) ( algo )
- generatetoaddress nblocks address (maxtries) (algo)
- createauxblock <address>
- creatework <address>
- getauxblock (hash auxpow)
- getblocktemplate ( TemplateRequest )
- getmininginfo
- getnetworkhashps ( nblocks height )
- getwork ((hash) data)
- prioritisetransaction <txid> <dummy value> <fee delta>
- submitauxblock <hash> <auxpow>
- submitblock "hexdata" ( "dummy" )
- submitheader "hexdata"
- submitwork (<hash>) <data>
- name_checkdb
- name_history "name"
- name_list ("name")
- name_pending ("name")
- name_register "name" "value" ("options")
- name_scan ("start" ("count" ("options")))
- name_show "name"
- name_update "name" "value" ("options")
- sendtoname "name" amount ( "comment" "comment_to" subtractfeefromamount replaceable conf_target "estimate_mode")
- addnode "node" "add|remove|onetry"
- clearbanned
- disconnectnode "[address]" [nodeid]
- getaddednodeinfo ( "node" )
- getconnectioncount
- getnettotals
- getnetworkinfo
- getnodeaddresses ( count )
- getpeerinfo
- listbanned
- ping
- setban "subnet" "add|remove" (bantime) (absolute)
- setnetworkactive true|false
- combinepsbt ["psbt",...]
- combinerawtransaction ["hexstring",...]
- converttopsbt "hexstring" ( permitsigdata iswitness )
- createpsbt [{"txid":"id","vout":n},...] [{"address":amount},{"data":"hex"},...] ( locktime ) ( replaceable )
- createrawtransaction [{"txid":"id","vout":n},...] [{"address":amount},{"data":"hex"},...] ( locktime ) ( replaceable )
- decodepsbt "psbt"
- decoderawtransaction "hexstring" ( iswitness )
- decodescript "hexstring"
- finalizepsbt "psbt" ( extract )
- fundrawtransaction "hexstring" ( options iswitness )
- getrawtransaction "txid" ( verbose "blockhash" )
- namerawtransaction "hexstring" vout nameop
- sendrawtransaction "hexstring" ( allowhighfees )
- signrawtransactionwithkey "hexstring" ["privatekey1",...] ( [{"txid":"id","vout":n,"scriptPubKey":"hex","redeemScript":"hex"},...] sighashtype )
- testmempoolaccept ["rawtxs"] ( allowhighfees )
- createmultisig nrequired ["key",...] ( "address_type" )
- estimatesmartfee conf_target ("estimate_mode")
- signmessagewithprivkey "privkey" "message"
- validateaddress "address"
- verifymessage "address" "signature" "message"
- abandontransaction "txid"
- abortrescan
- addmultisigaddress nrequired ["key",...] ( "label" "address_type" )
- backupwallet "destination"
- bumpfee "txid" ( options )
- createwallet "wallet_name" ( disable_private_keys )
- dumpprivkey "address"
- dumpwallet "filename"
- encryptwallet "passphrase"
- getaddressesbylabel "label"
- getaddressinfo "address"
- getbalance ( "(dummy)" minconf include_watchonly )
- getnewaddress ( "label" "address_type" )
- getrawchangeaddress ( "address_type" )
- getreceivedbyaddress "address" ( minconf )
- getreceivedbylabel "label" ( minconf )
- gettransaction "txid" ( include_watchonly )
- getunconfirmedbalance
- getwalletinfo
- importaddress "address" ( "label" rescan p2sh )
- importmulti "requests" ( "options" )
- importprivkey "privkey" ( "label" ) ( rescan )
- importprunedfunds
- importpubkey "pubkey" ( "label" rescan )
- importwallet "filename"
- keypoolrefill ( newsize )
- listaddressgroupings
- listlabels ( "purpose" )
- listlockunspent
- listreceivedbyaddress ( minconf include_empty include_watchonly address_filter )
- listreceivedbylabel ( minconf include_empty include_watchonly)
- listsinceblock ( "blockhash" target_confirmations include_watchonly include_removed )
- listtransactions (dummy count skip include_watchonly)
- listunspent ( minconf maxconf ["addresses",...] [include_unsafe] [query_options])
- listwalletdir
- listwallets
- loadwallet "filename"
- lockunspent unlock ([{"txid":"txid","vout":n},...])
- removeprunedfunds "txid"
- rescanblockchain ("start_height") ("stop_height")
- sendmany "" {"address":amount,...} ( minconf "comment" ["address",...] replaceable conf_target "estimate_mode")
- sendtoaddress "address" amount ( "comment" "comment_to" subtractfeefromamount replaceable conf_target "estimate_mode")
- sethdseed ( "newkeypool" "seed" )
- setlabel "address" "label"
- settxfee amount
- signmessage "address" "message"
- signrawtransactionwithwallet "hexstring" ( [{"txid":"id","vout":n,"scriptPubKey":"hex","redeemScript":"hex"},...] sighashtype )
- unloadwallet ( "wallet_name" )
- walletcreatefundedpsbt [{"txid":"id","vout":n},...] [{"address":amount},{"data":"hex"},...] ( locktime ) ( replaceable ) ( options bip32derivs )
- walletlock
- walletpassphrase "passphrase" timeout
- walletpassphrasechange "oldpassphrase" "newpassphrase"
- walletprocesspsbt "psbt" ( sign "sighashtype" bip32derivs )