modifications - Rangi42/polishedcrystal GitHub Wiki

As shown in the official README and FAQ, Polished Crystal contains a wide variety of modifications on Pokémon stats, moves, species availability, and so on. Some changes are exclusive to the Regular version while the others apply to both Regular and Faithful.

See also: the list of Faithful conditionals in the code (via GitHub's search)

The basic data and mechanics to which this game applies additioanl changes is essentially up to date (Gen. VI–IX). Due to its modernization principles, it assumes you're familiar with canon features in the recent titles. Learning them on other websites (e.g. Serebii, Smogon, Bulbapedia) may be crucial.

Polished Crystal sometimes runs ahead of the canon: e.g. it implemented the Defense buff on Ice-type Pokémon in Hail before Gen. IX did that in Snow.


General Mechanics

  • IVs and EVs / Friendship / Breeding / TMs and HMs
  • Revamped Pokédex and PC storage
  • Utilities, e.g. Bill's grandpa now living in Goldenrod instead of Route 25 for earlier access to Evolution stones.
  • Time of day now has Evening for the third section, between Day and Night: 5 am - 9 am - 5 pm - 9 pm - 5 am. (misc_constants.asm)
  • The Shiny icon is now a star as it'd been since FR/LG until LGP/E. The star will be yellow as in FR/LG when its color is available.
  • The Masuda method of Shiny breeding is now triggered by a pair of Pokémon of different OTIDs. (Breeding)
  • The Oval Charm now doubles the speed of hatching an Egg as do Flame Body and Magma Armor. While the Abilities don't stack with each other, they do with the Oval Charm.
  • In the Regular version, the Amulet Coin held by your lead now boosts the chance of encountering a wild Pokémon holding an item* as do Compound Eyes and Super Luck. The item and the Abilities don't stack with each other.

* The boost by the Amulet Coin was implemented ahead of the Abilities; it has remained effective.

Pokémon Stats

Main database: the base_stats directory

The Regular version contains changes in base stats, types, and Abilities; some are inspired by Mega-Evolved forms. The Pokédex now displays stats information on the Stats tab. See also Pokémon Type, Evolution, Ability, and Stat Changes for the changes in the Regular version compared to Faithful, and Pokémon Learnsets for detailed information about every Pokémon available in the game.

Note that canon base-stats changes still apply to Faithful.

Hidden Abilities

Pokémon can have a Hidden Ability. The Ability Patch is available as a battle facility reward, and there are several more ways of Hidden Ability access.

Custom Shiny Coloration

Not to be confused with the IV-based the Color variation option

Some Shiny Pokémon gets new color: blue Pikachu, sky-blue Dragonite, and more.

Red Gyarados in the Lake of Rage is now a special form instead of Shiny Pokémon. Shiny Gyarados is now gold as is its pre-Evolution, while "Shiny Red Gyarados" remains red.

Caught Ball

Balls now have Use option in the item menu to change the ball of a Pokémon in your party. The old ball will be discarded. Enjoy your fashion any time!

Species Availability

Thanks to the Pokédex expansion, Polished Crystal contains 289 species PLUS regional forms and cosmetic variants, all of whom can be caught in the game. Some Pokémon like Houndour, Murkrow, and Misdreavus are no longer exclusive to Kanto and can be found at sensible locations in Johto. More fully-evolved Pokémon can appear in the wild, such as Steelix.

The Pokédex before the expansion has been archived in 8-bit Pokédex.

Wild Encounters

Main database: the wild directory

See wild encounters to learn how to understand the main database. Evening has a 60% chance of giving Day wild encounters and 40% of Night. (wildmons.asm)


  • Regional forms of the species pertaining to Gen. I–II appear in this game: Alolan, Galarian, Hisuian, and Paldean, as well as Kitakami.
    • Paradox Pokémon aren't planned.
  • There are cosmetic variants like Arbok with different belly patterns, Magikarp with Magikarp Jump-based patterns, and more. Some may have a special role in the story, such as Red Gyarados and Spiky-eared Pichu.


Main database: evos_attacks.asm

Call Elm in-game for Evolution info. Here are some notable points:

  • The Linking Cord appears in the game. Standard trade Evolutions now require it, instead of Link Trade.
  • Item trade Evolutions don't need the Linking Cord; they evolve by levelling up while holding the required item.
  • Location-based Evolutions occur; most (but not all) cases allow stone-based Evolution as a second method.
  • All Eeveelutions now accept the corresponding Evolution stone. Espeon and Umbreon also retains the Friendship method, while Sylveon doesn't.
  • Region-based Evolutions vary in methods:
    • Many retains the original requirement, e.g. Alolan Sandslash.
    • A few evolve by levelling up with the related held item, e.g. Galarian Weezing and Kleavor.
    • A few use the same method as their Kanto/Johto counterpart, e.g. Alolan Meowth and Galarian Slowpoke.
    • The Strange Souvenir (named Odd Souvenir in-game) is now an Evolution item for Alolan branch Evolutions, e.g. Alolan Raichu.
    • As a parity measure for the starters, Hisuian Typhlosion can't be obtained by Evolution.
    • Bloodmoon Ursaluna is obtainable by Evolution at the Murky Swamp.*
  • Due to the move-database restriction, move-based Evolutions may assign another move, or even use another method.
    • Dunsparce and Hisuian Qwilfish: level-up
    • Stantler: location
    • Mime Jr.: level-up for Kanto; location/stone for Galar
  • In the Regular version, Flaaffy now evolves into Ampharos at Lv. 36 instead of 30.

* Subject to change


Entei and Raikou roam and, as in later Generations, if they faint uncaught they'll reappear when you enter the Hall of Fame. This game also allows you to release the caught ones to make them reappear in that way, which serves as a re-roll.


Main database: moves.asm

The move database hasn't been expanded yet, limiting its size to 255.* About 30% of the moves in vanilla have been replaced with the ones from later Generations, and a few merged together. Some newer moves have their name shortened due to the character limit, e.g. Dazzling Gleam >> DazzlinGleam. (name.asm)

See also:

Some older moves have also received animation updates.

* It's usually 254 in the 8-bit structure as #0 and #255 ($00, $FF) are reserved for special cases, but Polished Crystal uses a trick allocating Struggle to #255, saving one slot. Move database expansion to 10 bits has been suggested; it's a long way to go.

Explicit Mergers and Renames

Main article: FAQ § I don't recognize this move, what is it?

Four moves below have merged others explicitly, and three of them have been renamed for more accurate descriptions. The game's move animation engine (effect_commands.asm) can now play different animations for the same move depending on the conditions to preserve the original moves' appearance. For example, Chansey's Fresh Snack looks like Soft-Boiled, while Miltank's looks like Milk Drink; Defense Curl has the animation of Withdraw for Squirtle and that of Harden for Onix.

# Original Renamed to Merging Animation alts
111 Defense Curl --- Harden, Withdraw Harden / Withdraw for the original users
135 Soft-Boiled Fresh Snack Milk Drink Milk Drink for Miltank
154 Fury Swipes Fury Strikes Fury Attack Fury Attack for the original users
234 Morning Sun Healing Light Synthesis, Moonlight Synthesis for Grass type;
Moonlight at night;
Morning Sun otherwise

In addition, Healing Light's healing amount is now independent from the time of day.

Common Learnset Consolidations

The structural limit results in many changes on the modern learnsets. There are some implicit mergers on top of the explicit four. Below are common replacements, though they aren't universal due to the balancing:

  • Pound → Tackle
  • Tail Whip → Leer
  • Bind, Constrict → Wrap
  • Sand Attack → Mud-Slap
  • Detect → Protect
  • Spider Web → Mean Look
  • Flail → Reversal
  • Heal Pulse, Aqua Ring, etc → Recover and similar
  • Superpower, Hammer Arm → Close Combat
  • Jump Kick → High Jump Kick

Later Generation Moves

Newer moves have replaced older ones. These apply to both Regular and Faithful, barring Brick Break.

# Old New
1 Pound Acrobatics
4 Comet Punch Aereal Ace
5 Mega Punch Dragon Claw
11 Vice Grip X-Scissor
12 Guillotine Night Slash
13 Razor Wind Air Slash
18 Whirlwind Sucker Punch
20 Bind Dazzling Gleam
21 Slam Volt Switch
25 Mega Kick Flare Blitz
26 Jump Kick Stone Edge
27 Rolling Kick Focus Blast
28 Sand Attack Toxic Spikes
31 (Fury Attack) Trick
32 Horn Drill Hex
39 Tail Whip Hail
41 Twineedle U-Turn
54 Mist Calm Mind
66 Submission Close Combat
90 Fissure Avalanche
96 Meditate Hone Claws
102 Mimic Dragon Pulse
106 (Harden) Rock Blast
110 (Withdraw) Aqua Tail
117 Bide Flash Cannon
119 Mirror Move Scald
120 Self-Destruct Trick Room
121 Egg Bomb Skill Swap
123 Smog Gunk Shot
124 Sludge Venoshock
125 Bone Club Earth Power
128 Clamp Icicle Crash
130 Skull Bash Iron Head
131 Spike Cannon Icicle Spear
132 Constrict Bulldoze
134 Kinesis Roost
139 Poison Gas Poison Jab
140 Barrage Bullet Punch
142 Lovely Kiss Draining Kiss
143 Sky Attack Brave Bird
145 Bubble Water Pulse
149 Psywave Extrasensory
151 Acid Armor Dragon Dance
159 Sharpen Bulk Up
165 (Struggle) Giga Impact
167 Triple Kick Drain Punch
169 Spider Web Will-O-Wisp
170 Mind Reader Zen Headbutt
171 Nightmare Façade
172 Flame Wheel Flame Charge
173 Snore Hyper Voice
175 Flail Gyro Ball
176 Conversion 2 Energy Ball
178 Cotton Spore Seed Bomb
180 Spite Astonish
181 Powder Snow Ice Shard
197 Detect Power Gem
198 Bone Rush Wild Charge
199 Lock-On Power Whip
208 (Milk Drink) Shell Smash
210 Fury Cutter Bug Bite
217 Present Psystrike
218 Frustration Bug Buzz
230 Sweet Scent Shadow Claw
233 Vital Throw Aura Sphere
235 (Synthesis) Hurricane
236 (Moonlight) Knock Off
239 Twister Aqua Jet
244 Psych Up Nasty Plot
249 Rock Smash Brick Break*
251 Beat Up Dark Pulse
252 --- Moonblast
253 --- Play Rough
254 --- Disarming Voice
255 --- (Struggle)

* Only on Regular

Move Stat Changes

All Versions

Canon updates from newer Generations are omitted here.

# Move Changes
160 Conversion Now selects a move to copy the type from
255 Struggle Type: Normal → ???


# Move Changes
15 Cut BP: 50 → 60
Type: Normal → Steel
Acc.: 95% → 100%
19 Fly Acc. : 95% → 100%
36 Take Down Acc.: 85% → 100%
PP: 20 → 15
47 Sing Acc.: 55% → 75%
48 Supersonic Acc.: 55% → 65%
70 Strength Type: Normal → Fighting
83 Fire Spin BP: 35 → 40
Acc.: 85% → 90%
91 Dig BP: 80 → 90
118 Metronome Type: Normal → ???
PP: 10 → 20
119 Scald BP: 80 → 70
152 Crabhammer Acc.: 90% → 95%
154 Fury Strikes BP: 18 → 20
Acc.: 80% → 85%
190 Octazooka BP: 65 → 75
Acc.: 85% → 95%
Effect chance: 50% → 30%
220 Pain Split Type: Normal → Ghost
229 Rapid Spin PP: 40 → 20
237 Hidden Power Type: Normal → ???
Can become Fairy type
BP: 60 → 70
250 Whirlpool BP: 35 → 40
Acc.: 85% → 90%

Easter Eggs

  • Eevee can learn Earth Power from the Tutor, while its Evolutions can't. This is an intentional behavior, inspired by "Prism Tutor move".
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️