Roaming Pokemon - Rangi42/polishedcrystal GitHub Wiki
Raikou and Entei roam over Johto after you free the three Beasts; freeing is mandatory for challenging Morty, as in vanilla.
Basic Mechanics
- Roamers move to an adjacent route for each map refresh with an adjacent area (e.g. going through a door, moving to an adjacent area)
- Roamers warp randomly each time you warp (e.g. Fly/Teleport, soft resets).
- New features in Polished Crystal:
- Roamers can now enter your last location. Biking back and forth could suffice for hunting.
- Synchronize is now applicable to roamers.
- Uncaught, knocked-out roamers will now respawn at a higher level when you beat the Champion.
- Although Suicune is initially stationary at Tin Tower, it'll respawn as a roamer in the same way if you KO it.
- Releasing a caught roamer now makes it respawnable, which is practically a re-roll. It's particularly useful to Shiny hunters.
- Factors that will affect hunting strategies in this game:
- Wild Pokémon may be at a higher level than in vanilla.
- As in HG/SS, there's a gate between Violet and Route 36.*
- As in Gen. IV, when a poisoned Pokémon loses HP on the field due to poison and reaches 1 HP, it doesn't faint but hangs on and gets cured. This disables poison methods.
* The Violet-R36 Gate was introduced in HG/SS, where going through gates wouldn't trigger roamers' transfer.
List of Roamers
- Raikou, Lv. 40: Roar, Quick Attack, Spark, Reflect
- Respawn - Lv. 50: Spark, Reflect, Crunch, Wild Charge
- Entei, Lv. 40: Roar, Fire Spin, Stomp, Flamethrower
- Respawn - Lv. 50: Stomp, Flamethrower, Swagger, Flame Charge
- Suicune, only on respawn — Lv. 50: Aurora Beam, Light Screen, Mirror Coat, Air Slash
- Master Ball(s) at the top of the Bag: two copies available throughout the game, plus the Lucky Number prizes
- Super Repels
- A Pokémon with Synchronize
- Preferably Xatu, with Teleport and Fly
- Lv. 17–40 for Route 38
- Lv. 25–40 for Route 42
- Lv. 35–40 for Route 44
- For Route 44, a Pokémon with Surf
- Xatu serves best to Teleport or Fly, to work with Repels, and to Synchronize at the same time.
- Eusine will give you the roamers' Pokédex entries at Celadon (post-E4).
- For attempts without the Master Ball:
- Throw a Quick Ball instead.
- Soundproof Wigglytuff with Mean Look (available only on Modified) will be the best wall against the Roaring roamers, while also dealing damage to them and putting them to sleep.
- Have the Xatu fainted in the lead, followed by the Wigglytuff.
Polished Method
Bike back and forth between two areas without in-between gates.
Vanilla Methods
These vanilla ways may be still handy.
Route 38-based
Doesn't require Pokédex entries or Teleport/Fly
- Lead with the Synchronizer.
- Save inside the Gate between R38 and Ecruteak.
- Soft-reset.
- Go west to R38, spend a Super Repel, and bike around the grass until the Repel runs out. Soft-reset if it fails.
- If Pokédex entries are available, check them before spending the Repel.
Flying Back and Forth
Doesn't require Pokédex entries
- Lead with the Xatu.
- Fly to Mahogany.
- Go west to R42, spend a Super Repel, and run/bike around the grass for 20 seconds.
- For refreshes, Fly to Violet and go south to R32 for another 20-second search.
- Fly back to Mahogany and try R42 again.
- Repeat the refreshes and the searches until you encounter the target.
Flowcharts during the days of the route-blocking system has been archived in Roamer Hunting Methods before Modernizations.