Battle facilities - Rangi42/polishedcrystal GitHub Wiki

Polished Crystal contains two post-game battle facilities: the Battle Tower and the Battle Factory. The game has modernized Crystal's Battle Tower and Gen. IV-style Battle Factory. The two are located at the port cities of each Region.


Challengers face a series of seven matches. The more wins, the harder fights. Battle Points (BPs) will be awarded for winning a match, and a special item for winning a series. For every 21-win streaks, a Frontier Brain will appear.


  • 3-on-3 Singles: A player brings three Pokémon to play a Single battle with.
  • Level limit: All the Pokémon will be auto-leveled to Lv. 50 in battle.
  • Pokémon restrictions: Special and Mythical Pokémon are banned (viz. Mewtwo, Mew, Lugia, Ho-oh, and Celebi), as well as Eggs.
  • Species clause: A player may not have two Pokémon of the same Pokédex number in their team.
  • Item clause, only in the Battle Tower: No two Pokémon may hold the same item.
  • Competitive win/loss rules apply on a tie; last faint wins.

Rosters and Difficulty Levels

The facilities have a roster of Pokémon sets for the opponents and the Battle Factory rentals. The sets are graded by four tiers from A to D, roughly in accordance with their strength. The battles have eight difficulty levels, which determine the tier of Pokémon brought in:

  1. CDD
  2. BDD or CCD
  3. BCD or CCC
  4. BCC or BBD
  5. ACC or BBC
  6. ABC or BBB
  7. AAC or ABB
  8. AAB

Winning an opponent will award the same amount of BPs as the difficulty level.

Battle Tower

The Battle Tower west of Olivine has been renovated.

Choose three allowed Pokémon from the team to begin a challenge. Face a room of seven Trainers to fight them in a row. Earn BPs for winning an opponent and an Ability Patch for beating a room. Challenge Tower Tycoon Palmer for every 21-win streak.

While the in-game AI has some grades of strength, the Battle Tower opponents run the strongest. Their Pokémon's EVs start at 0 and increase by 16 for each stat for each victory, maxing out at 252.

BT Opponent Difficulty Levels

  • Run #1: 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5; 20 BPs total
  • Run #2: 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6; 27 BPs total
  • Run #3: 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7; 34 BPs total; Tycoon run
  • Run #4: 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8; 41 BPs total
  • Run #5: 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8; 47 BPs total
  • Run #6: 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8; 52 BPs total; Tycoon run
  • Run #7: 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8; 55 BPs total
  • Run #8+: all at 8; 56 BPs total

Battle Factory

The Battle Factory has arrived at the then construction site at Vermilion.

Choose three Pokémon out of six rental Pokémon to begin a challenge, where the item clause is not applied. Enter the hall to fight seven Trainers in a row. Each time you defeat an opponent, you may trade one of your rentals with one of the last opponent's. Earn BPs for winning an opponent and a Mint Leaf* for winning a series. Challenge Factory Head Thorton** for every 21-win streak. Note that all the Pokémon in the Battle Factory have the maxed-out (252) EVs for each stat.

* The Mint Leaf is the ingredient of the Nature-swapping tea offered in Celadon, as if consolidating all 21 Mints in Gen. VIII+.

** Thorton is currently called Tycoon instead due to the character limits.

Staff Information

The staff member will hint about the upcoming opponent. The more wins, the less information:

  • Run #1: Lists all three Pokémon.
  • Run #2: Lists two of the three Pokémon.
  • Run #3: Tells the lead Pokémon and a move in its first move slot.
  • Run #4: Tells a move in the first move slot of the lead.
  • Run #5+: Tells the most common type of the three Pokémon.

BF Opponent AI Levels

Due to the nature of luck, the first few runs give opponents a weaker AI:

  • Run #1: Masters type matchups.
  • Run #2: Avoids Status moves into immunities.
  • Run #3, #4: Tries to use the strongest damaging move.
  • Run #5+: Runs the strongest AI.

BF Opponent Difficulty Levels

  • Run #1: 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3; 12 BPs total
  • Run #2: 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4; 19 BPs total
  • Run #3: 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5; 26 BPs total; Head run
  • Run #4: 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6; 33 BPs total
  • Run #5: 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7; 40 BPs total
  • Run #6: 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8; 47 BPs total; Head run
  • Run #7: 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8; 53 BPs total
  • Run #8+: all at 8; 56 BPs total

Rental Pokémon's Tiers

Initial rentals come with tiers of the same difficulty level as that of the sixth opponent in the current run. For example, the first run will give rentals at the second level, namely the tier of {B, D, D, C, C, D}, with the six shuffled on display. (The level with two choices of tiers will combine them in this way.)

In addition to this, initial rentals will be upgraded by one for every six trades. For example, if you win the first run while trading Pokémon every time, the second run will give rentals at the fourth level instead of the third.