Wild Held Items - Rangi42/polishedcrystal GitHub Wiki
In Polished Crystal, wild Pokémon can sometimes be found holding a common item (item 1
, 50%) or a rare item (item 2
, 5%). If a Pokémon has the same item in both held-item slots, the probability will be 55%. always item 2
is used for the guaranteed held item.
Having a Pokémon leading your party with the Ability Compound Eyes or Super Luck (or, only in the Regular version, holding an Amulet Coin) will increase the odds of finding a held item on a wild Pokémon to 60% and 20% for item 1
and item 2
, respectively. Note that Thief will not steal an item if the user is already holding an item.
Super Luck [Murkrow]] is extremely handy, learning Thief at Lv. 25. It can be found on Route 38 and 39 at night (5%) or by [Headbutting a rare tree on most Routes.
In the Regular version, the Amulet Coin method pairs well with Repels and useful Abilities:
- Flash Fire, Lightning Rod / Static, Harvest, and Magnet Pull have a 50% chance of inducing the corresponding type Pokémon;
- Arena Trap, Illuminate, and No Guard double the encounter rate per step; and
- Frisk!
Commonly Sought Held Items
- Magmarizer: Magby,
item 2
- Lv. 15, Burned Tower B1F: 2% encounter ➡️ ~25.88% with Repels and Flash Fire
- Electirizer: Elekid,
item 2
- (scaled level), Magnet Tunnel: 2% encounter ➡️ ~12.59% with Repels and (L-Rod or Static) in Morn/Day
- Metal Coat: Magnemite,
item 2
- Lv. 16, Route 38: 20% encounter ➡️ 60% with Magnet Pull, L-Rod or Static (~63.16% with Repels added in Morn/Day)
- Lv. 16, Route 39: 20% encounter ➡️ 60% with Magnet Pull, L-Rod or Static
- (scaled level), Magnet Tunnel: 18% encounter
- King's Rock
- Razor Fang: Gligar,
item 2
, only at Night- Lv. 24, Route 42: 5% encounter ➡️ 100% with Repels
- Lv. 34, Route 44: 5% encounter ➡️ 100% with Repels
- Lv. 34, Route 45: 30% encounter
- (scaled level), Rugged Road: 15% encounter
- Razor Claw
- Leftovers: Munchlax,
item 2
, only in Morn/Day- (scaled level), Quiet Cave
- 1F: 10% encounter ➡️ 66.67% with Repels
- B1F: 10% encounter ➡️ ~14.71% with Repels
- (scaled level), Quiet Cave
List of Wild Held Items
Pokémon | Item 1 | Item 2 |
Spearow | No Item | Sharp Beak |
Fearow | No Item | Sharp Beak |
Rattata | No Item | Lansat Berry |
Rattata (Alolan) | No Item | Pecha Berry |
Raticate | No Item | Lansat Berry |
Raticate (Alolan) | No Item | Pecha Berry |
Sentret | No Item | Oran Berry |
Furret | Oran Berry | Sitrus Berry |
Pichu | Oran Berry | Light Ball |
Pikachu | Oran Berry | Light Ball |
Raichu | Oran Berry | Light Ball |
Raichu (Alolan) | Oran Berry | Light Ball |
Butterfree | Shed Shell | Silverpowder |
Beedrill | Shed Shell | Poison Barb |
Geodude | No Item | Everstone |
Geodude (Alolan) | No Item | Everstone |
Graveler | No Item | Everstone |
Graveler (Alolan) | No Item | Everstone |
Golem | No Item | Everstone |
Golem (Alolan) | No Item | Everstone |
Cleffa | No Item | Moon Stone |
Clefairy | Leppa Berry | Moon Stone |
Clefable | Leppa Berry | Moon Stone |
Jigglypuff | Oran Berry | Oran Berry |
Wigglytuff | Oran Berry | Oran Berry |
Sandshrew | No Item | Quick Claw |
Sandshrew (Alolan) | No Item | Grip Claw |
Sandslash | No Item | Quick Claw |
Sandslash (Alolan) | No Item | Grip Claw |
Arbok | No Item | Poison Barb |
Wooper | No Item | Chesto Berry |
Wooper (Paldean) | No Item | Chesto Berry |
Quagsire | No Item | Chesto Berry |
Clodsire | No Item | Chesto Berry |
Gastly | No Item | Spell Tag |
Haunter | No Item | Spell Tag |
Gengar | No Item | Spell Tag |
Onix | Lagging Tail | Hard Stone |
Steelix | No Item | Metal Coat |
Bellsprout | Gold Leaf | Gold Leaf |
Weepinbell | Gold Leaf | Gold Leaf |
Victreebel | Always Item 2 | Big Root |
Paras | Tinymushroom | Big Mushroom |
Parasect | Tinymushroom | Big Mushroom |
Poliwhirl | No Item | Kings Rock |
Poliwrath | No Item | Kings Rock |
Politoed | No Item | Kings Rock |
Slowpoke | No Item | Kings Rock |
Slowpoke (Galarian) | No Item | Kings Rock |
Slowbro | No Item | Kings Rock |
Slowbro (Galarian) | No Item | Kings Rock |
Slowking | No Item | Kings Rock |
Slowking (Galarian) | No Item | Kings Rock |
Oddish | Silver Leaf | Silver Leaf |
Gloom | Silver Leaf | Silver Leaf |
Vileplume | Always Item 2 | Miracle Seed |
Bellossom | No Item | Miracle Seed |
Abra | No Item | Twistedspoon |
Kadabra | No Item | Twistedspoon |
Alakazam | No Item | Twistedspoon |
Ditto | Quick Powder | Metal Powder |
Yanma | No Item | Wide Lens |
Yanmega | No Item | Wide Lens |
Sunkern | No Item | Starf Berry |
Exeggcute | No Item | Marangaberry |
Exeggutor | No Item | Marangaberry |
Exeggutor (Alolan) | No Item | Sitrus Berry |
Venomoth | Shed Shell | Silverpowder |
Scizor | No Item | Metal Coat |
Koffing | No Item | Smoke Ball |
Weezing | No Item | Smoke Ball |
Weezing (Galarian) | No Item | Smoke Ball |
Grimer | Black Sludge | Nugget |
Grimer (Alolan) | Black Sludge | Nugget |
Muk | Black Sludge | Nugget |
Muk (Alolan) | Black Sludge | Nugget |
Magnemite | No Item | Metal Coat |
Magneton | No Item | Metal Coat |
Magnezone | No Item | Metal Coat |
Ambipom | Always Item 2 | Sitrus Berry |
Vulpix | Always Item 2 | Aspear Berry |
Vulpix (Alolan) | Always Item 2 | Aspear Berry |
Ninetales | Always Item 2 | Aspear Berry |
Ninetales (Alolan) | Always Item 2 | Aspear Berry |
Growlithe | Always Item 2 | Aspear Berry |
Growlithe (Hisuian) | Always Item 2 | Aspear Berry |
Arcanine | No Item | Aspear Berry |
Arcanine (Hisuian) | No Item | Aspear Berry |
Diglett | No Item | Soft Sand |
Diglett (Alolan) | No Item | Soft Sand |
Dugtrio | No Item | Soft Sand |
Dugtrio (Alolan) | No Item | Soft Sand |
Mankey | No Item | Kee Berry |
Primeape | No Item | Kee Berry |
Meowth | No Item | Amulet Coin |
Meowth (Alolan) | No Item | Amulet Coin |
Persian | No Item | Quick Claw |
Persian (Alolan) | No Item | Quick Claw |
Machop | No Item | Focus Band |
Machoke | No Item | Focus Band |
Machamp | No Item | Focus Band |
Girafarig | No Item | Persim Berry |
Farigiraf | No Item | Persim Berry |
Miltank | No Item | Moomoo Milk |
Magby | Aspear Berry | Magmarizer |
Magmar | Aspear Berry | Magmarizer |
Magmortar | Aspear Berry | Magmarizer |
Smoochum | Always Item 2 | Aspear Berry |
Jynx | Rawst Berry | Rawst Berry |
Elekid | Persim Berry | Electirizer |
Electabuzz | Persim Berry | Electirizer |
Electivire | Persim Berry | Electirizer |
Mime Jr. | No Item | Leppa Berry |
Mr. Mime | Persim Berry | Persim Berry |
Farfetch'd | No Item | Leek |
Farfetch'd (Galarian) | No Item | Leek |
Sirfetch'd | No Item | Leek |
Qwilfish | No Item | Poison Barb |
Qwilfish (Hisuian) | No Item | Poison Barb |
Overqwil | No Item | Poison Barb |
Tentacool | No Item | Poison Barb |
Tentacruel | No Item | Poison Barb |
Shuckle | Always Item 2 | Berry Juice |
Staryu | Stardust | Star Piece |
Starmie | Stardust | Star Piece |
Shellder | Pearl | Big Pearl |
Cloyster | Pearl | Big Pearl |
Corsola | No Item | Hard Stone |
Chinchou | No Item | Brightpowder |
Lanturn | No Item | Brightpowder |
Seel | No Item | Rawst Berry |
Dewgong | Rawst Berry | Nevermeltice |
Lickitung | No Item | Lagging Tail |
Lickilicky | No Item | Lagging Tail |
Sylveon | No Item | Pink Bow |
Horsea | No Item | Dragon Scale |
Seadra | No Item | Dragon Scale |
Kingdra | No Item | Dragon Scale |
Gligar | No Item | Razor Fang |
Delibird | No Item | Nevermeltice |
Swinub | No Item | Rawst Berry |
Piloswine | Rawst Berry | Nevermeltice |
Mamoswine | Rawst Berry | Nevermeltice |
Teddiursa | Always Item 2 | Oran Berry |
Ursaring | Always Item 2 | Sitrus Berry |
Ursaluna | Always Item 2 | Sitrus Berry |
Ursaluna (Bloodmoon) | Always Item 2 | Lum Berry |
Phanpy | No Item | Kee Berry |
Donphan | No Item | Kee Berry |
Skarmory | No Item | Sharp Beak |
Doduo | No Item | Sharp Beak |
Dodrio | No Item | Sharp Beak |
Ponyta | No Item | Marangaberry |
Ponyta (Galarian) | No Item | Marangaberry |
Rapidash | No Item | Marangaberry |
Rapidash (Galarian) | No Item | Marangaberry |
Cubone | No Item | Thick Club |
Marowak | No Item | Thick Club |
Marowak (Alolan) | No Item | Thick Club |
Rhyhorn | No Item | Protector |
Rhydon | No Item | Protector |
Sneasel | Grip Claw | Razor Claw |
Sneasel (Hisuian) | Grip Claw | Quick Claw |
Weavile | Grip Claw | Quick Claw |
Sneasler | Grip Claw | Quick Claw |
Misdreavus | No Item | Spell Tag |
Mismagius | No Item | Spell Tag |
Porygon | No Item | Up Grade |
Porygon2 | No Item | Up Grade |
Porygon (Z) | No Item | Dubious Disc |
Happiny | Hard Stone | Lucky Egg |
Chansey | Oval Stone | Lucky Egg |
Blissey | Oval Stone | Lucky Egg |
Lapras | Always Item 2 | Mystic Water |
Munchlax | No Item | Leftovers |
Snorlax | Always Item 2 | Leftovers |
Articuno | Always Item 2 | Lum Berry |
Articuno (Galarian) | Always Item 2 | Lum Berry |
Zapdos | Always Item 2 | Lum Berry |
Zapdos (Galarian) | Always Item 2 | Lum Berry |
Moltres | Always Item 2 | Lum Berry |
Moltres (Galarian) | Always Item 2 | Lum Berry |
Raikou | Always Item 2 | Magnet |
Entei | Always Item 2 | Charcoal |
Suicune | Always Item 2 | Mystic Water |
Dratini | No Item | Dragon Scale |
Dragonair | No Item | Dragon Scale |
Dragonite | No Item | Dragon Scale |
Lugia | Always Item 2 | Lum Berry |
Ho-Oh | Always Item 2 | Sacred Ash |
Mewtwo | Always Item 2 | Petaya Berry |
Mewtwo (Armored) | Always Item 2 | Petaya Berry |
Mew | Always Item 2 | Lum Berry |
Celebi | Always Item 2 | Lum Berry |