Item Locations - Rangi42/polishedcrystal GitHub Wiki
This page lists the locations of frequently sought items. This list is NOT exhaustive; it generally prioritizes the first locations that you can find each item.
- For TM, HM, and Move Tutor Locations, see
. - For items and locations not listed here, search the repository for items with the search bar, e.g.
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Commonly sought items
- Ability Cap (changes between standard Abilities): Buena's Password; Battle Tower prize
- Ability Patch (changes to/from Hidden Ability): Defeat Kimono Girl Mina at Dragon's Den; Battle Tower prize
- Amulet Coin: Gift from Lyra in Olivine Cage
- Destiny Knot: Goldenrod Harbor Mart; Route 27
- Dome Fossil: Mt. Moon; may appear from breakable rocks
- Dubious Disc: Celadon City
- Dusk Stone: Dark Cave; Union Cave; Bill's Grandpa; evening Bug-Catching Contest prize
- Dragon Scale: Mt. Mortar; wild Horsea/Seadra/Kingdra, Dratini/Dragonair/Dragonite
- Electirizer: Rock Tunnel; wild Elekid/Electabuzz
- Eon Mail: Goldenrod Dept. Store (2F, after receiving Eevee from Bill)
- Eviolite: Buena's Password; give Eon Mail to Pokéfan in Goldenrod PCC; held by Grimer of the trade NPC at Goldenrod Harbor
- Exp. Share: Professor's Aid in Gate Azalea/Ilex; Indigo Plateau Mart; Celadon Dept. Store
- Fire Stone: Bill's Grandpa, Schoolboy Alan, Celadon Dept. Store
- Go-Goggles: Olivine Port
- Helix Fossil: Mt. Moon; may appear from breakable rocks
- King's Rock: Slowpoke Well; Mahogany Mart (after clearing Rocket Base); wild Slowpoke/Slowbro/Slowking, Poliwhirl/Poliwrath
- Leaf Stone: Bill's Grandpa; Picknicker Gina; Celadon Dept. Store
- Leftovers: Celadon Cafeteria; wild Munchlax/Snorlax
- Linking Cord: Union Cave; Professor's Aid in Gate Ecruteak/R38; Celadon Dept. Store
- Lucky Egg: Professor's Aid in Blackthorn Pokémon Center
- Magmarizer: Cinnabar Island; wild Magby/Magmar
- Metal Coat: Goldenrod Dept. Store Underground; wild Magnemite
- Mirror Herb: Goldenrod Harbor Mart
- Moon Stone: Bill's Grandpa; nighttime Bug-Catching Contest prize; Mt. Moon
- Odd Souvenir: Show Professor Elm a Togepi with your Trainer ID after hatching the mystery egg
- Old Amber: Pewter City; may appear from breakable rocks
- Protector: Mt. Mortar; wild Rhyhorn/Rhydon
- Razor Claw: Quiet Cave; wild Sneasel
- Razor Fang: Victory Road; wild Gligar
- Shiny Stone: Cherrygrove Bay; National Park; Bill's Grandpa; morning Bug-Catching Contest prize
- Sun Stone: Bill's Grandpa; daytime Bug-Catching Contest prize
- Thunder Stone: Bill's Grandpa; Lass Dana; Celadon Dept. Store
- Up-Grade: Gift at Silph Co. after fixing the Power Plant generator
- Water Stone: Bill's Grandpa; Fisherman Tully; Celadon Dept. Store