Bug Catching Contest - Rangi42/polishedcrystal GitHub Wiki

The Bug-Catching Contest on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays in the National Park is a decent source of Evolution stones.

TL;DR: Save before your entry. Pursue Lv. 15 Venomoth/Butterfree/Beedrill (in the Regular version), a Lv. 14 Scyther/Pinsir, or a no-damage-caught Lv. 16 Venonat. Quit as soon as you catch one and see if you’re the winner. Soft-reset if you're not.

Basic Mechanics

Main databases: bug_contest_mons.asm, contest.asm, bug_contest_winners.asm, specials.asm

  • First-place prizes now depend on times of day:
    • Morning: Shiny Stone
    • Day: Sun Stone
    • Evening: Dusk Stone
    • Night: Moon Stone
  • Encounters now include Venomoth and Yanma.
  • The scoring system has been slightly updated, aiming for more intuitive IV bonus points than in vanilla's bitwise calculations accounting for the DV-dependent Shininess.
  • The opponents are the same as vanilla. Watch out for Cooltrainer Nick earning {349, 357, 368} points!


Score = BasePoints + Bonuses, where:

  • BasePoints = 4*MaxHP + Atk + Def + SpAtk + SpDef + Spe
    • It takes the actual stats. Make sure to consider the Base Stats buffs in the Regular version!
  • Bonuses:
    • Shiny bonus: +150
    • IV bonus: +6 for each 8+ IV
    • Remaining HP bonus: + floor(RemainingHP / 8)
    • Item bonus: +1 for a held item

The highest score in Regular would be 561 by full-HP Shiny Venomoth. (368 + 150 + 6*6 + floor(50/8) + 1 = 561.)

List by Base Points (Regular)

# PokΓ©mon Catch Rate Encounter % MaxLv MaxLv HP MaxLv BP
49 Venomoth 75 5% 15 46–50 329–368
15 Beedrill 45 5% 15 44–49 317–359
12 Butterfree 45 5% 15 43–47 315–352
123 Scyther 45 5% 14 43–47 315–352
127 Pinsir 45 5% 14 42–46 313–350
48 Venonat 190 10% 16 45–50 281–325
193 Yanma 75 5% 14 42–46 282–318
11 Metapod 120 10% 18 46–51 263–310
46 Paras 190 10% 17 38–44 259–308
14 Kakuna 120 10% 18 44–49 258–304
10 Caterpie 255 15% 18 44–49 253–300
13 Weedle 255 15% 18 42–47 247–294