GitHub Search - Rangi42/polishedcrystal GitHub Wiki

See also GitHub's official help: Finding files on GitHub; Understanding GitHub Code Search syntax

The FAQ and this wiki should suffice for most of the data and info, but you might as well want to look something up in the source code by yourself, e.g. locations, flags, and procedures such as ifs and thens. Use GitHub's search functions on your browser, namely the file finder and the search box.

Command line users can of course do grep, awk, etc. on the repository

File Finder

Find the Go to file bar. Input a file name you know or guess, and the finder performs a real-time forward search.


  • baseglac ➡️ data/pokemon/base_stats/glaceon.asm;
  • evosatt ➡️ data/pokemon/evos_attacks.asm and some more;
  • mapvictory ➡️ maps/VictoryRoad1F.asm, 2F, and 3F;
  • wildjohto ➡️ data/wild/johto_grass.asm and data/wild/johto_water.asm; but…
  • johtowild ➡️ audio/music/johtowildbattle.asm and audio/music/johtowildbattlenight.asm.

Search Box

Find the search box in the top bar or the hamburger menu. Input a code string to look up. The path qualifier is useful for narrowing the results, e.g. path:*.asm. It's a case-insensitive search, only showing result snippets. Open one of the results to read through the code on the browser.

Polished follows pokecrystal's style guide for coding, e.g. constants in SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE and labels in PascalCase.


  • ice_stone ➡️ map(s), shop(s), evolution conditions, definitions and descriptions, etc.;
  • ice stone ➡️ not only the files above but also the others with ice and stone;
  • itemfinder delivers some results, but item finder or item_finder don't.