Scope; Level - HWRM/KarosGraveyard GitHub Wiki

I don't have time at the moment, but here are parameters for the level functions thanks to user PayDay at the Gearbox forum. -Mikali

addAsteroid(string type, table position, float multiplier, float rotX, float rotY, float rotZ, float rotSpeed)
addPoint(string name, table position, table rotation)
addPebble(string type, table position, float rotX, float rotY, float rotZ)
addDustCloud(string name, string type, table position, table color, float spin, float radius)
addDustCloudWithResources(string name, string type, table position, float resources, table color, float spin, float radius, int refill)
addSquadron(string name, string type, table position, int player, table rotation, int shipCount, int inHyperspace)
addCloud(string name, string type, table position, table color, float spin, float radius)
addNebula(string name, string type, table position, table color, float spin, float radius)
addNebulaWithResources(string name, string type, table position, float resources, table color, float spin, float radius, int refill)
addSphere(string name, table position, float radius)
addCamera(string name, table position, table target)
addSalvage(string type, table position, float resources, float rotX, float rotY, float rotZ, float unknown)
addPath(string name, params string[] points)
addReactiveFleetSlot(string sobGroup, int player, int unknown, table position, float rotX, float rotY, float rotZ, string type)
addReactiveFleetResourceSlotDustCloud(string name, string type, table position, float red, float green, float blue)
addReactiveFleetResourceSlot(string type, table position, float rotX, float rotY, float rotZ)
addAxisAlignBox(string name, table position, float size)
addSensorsPlane(float distance, float factor, table color)
createSOBGroup(string name)
addToSOBGroup(string squadronName, string sobGroupName)
setObjectAttributes(float unknown, float unknown2)
setWorldBoundsInner(table center, table dimensions)
setWorldBoundsOuter(table center, table dimensions)
fogSetActive(int active)
fogSetStart(float start)
fogSetEnd(float end)
fogSetColour(float red, float green, float blue, float alpha)
fogSetType(string type)
fogSetDensity(float density)
fogAddInterpolator(string buffer, float duration, float target)
loadBackground(string name)
setSensorsManagerCameraDistances(float min, float max)
setDefaultMusic(string path)
setBattleMusic(string path)
setGlareIntensity(float intensity)
setLevelShadowColour(float red, float green, float blue, float alpha)
setDustCloudAmbient(table color)
setDustCloudColour(table color)
setNebulaAmbient(table color)









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