Page Index - DartisXUI/Vanilla-Plus-Ultra GitHub Wiki
14 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Welcome to the Vanilla-Plus-Ultra Questbook!
- Objective 1: Tinkers Construct
- Objective 2: Basic Tinkers Tools
- Objective 3: Basic Bird’s Foods (Toasted Bacon Hamburger)
- Objective 4: Tinkers' Construct Smeltery
- Objective 5: Tinkers Bronze Tools (Equal to Iron but with more durability)
- Objective 6: Construct’s Armory
- Objective 7: Basic Power
- Side Project 1: Ultimate Tinkers Tools! (Do you know of a better configuration? Let us know!!!)
- Side Project 2: Tinkers Embossment
- Side Project 3: Ultimate Construct’s Armory Set: (Do you know of a better configuration? Let us know!!!)
- Side Project 4: Curio (Flight Alternative and Extras)
- Side Project 5: Ultimate Bird's Foods (Dagwood)