Objective 5: Tinkers Bronze Tools (Equal to Iron but with more durability) - DartisXUI/Vanilla-Plus-Ultra GitHub Wiki

  1. Place 1 Chest near your Smeltery

  2. To make Metal Parts you’ll need Aluminium Brass Casts for each Part you want to make

  • Aluminum Brass: 3x Aluminum – 1x Copper
  1. To make a Cast place each of your Parts (eg: Stone Sword Blade, Stone Pickaxe Head, Stone Tool Rod) onto your Smeltery Table and pour Aluminium Brass onto it
  • NOTE: Making Casts like this Consumes the Part you used for it
  1. To Make Bronze: 3x Copper - 1x Tin

  2. Pour Bronze into each of the Casts you want to make (Tool/Weapon Heads) and collect them afterwards, storing your Casts In your Chest nearby

  • TIP: Make Ingot Casts By Pouring Aluminium Brass over an Ingot (Make 2).
  • NOTE: This will Consume your Ingots too
  1. For your Guard/Tool Bindings, use Wood (This gives your Tools/Weapons Repair Over Time)

  2. For your Tool Rods Copper (make in the Smeltery with a Tool Rod Cast)


Once you’ve made each of your Tools/Weapons, place them back in your Tool Station/Forge in turn and add the following onto them (if you have it)

  • 1 x Lapis (Adds the Luck/Looting I Modifier)
  • 1 x Diamond (for Pickaxe) (Adds ability to mine Obsidian, don’t make a Diamond Pickaxe or I will HUNT YOU DOWN!!! Not really lol)


  • Dense – Lasts Longer
  • Ecological – Repair over time
  • Well Established - +XP

Stat Estimates:

  • Pickaxe: Durability 500 | Mining Level: Diamond | Mining Speed: 6.8
  • Cross Guard: Durability 522 | Attack: 2.93 | Spammable
  • Wide Guard: Durability 875 | Attack: 5.5 | Blockheads
  • Hand Guard: Durability 835 | Attack: 5.4 | Long Jumper