Side Project 1: Ultimate Tinkers Tools! (Do you know of a better configuration? Let us know!!!) - DartisXUI/Vanilla-Plus-Ultra GitHub Wiki
Use Pulverizer From Thermal As It Works Better Than Simple Enderio, Which Cant Process Vibranium Ingots To Dust
- Steel Blend is: 1:4-Pulvrized Iron:Pulverized Coal
- Adamantium Blend is: 1:2-Vibranium Dust:Steel Blend
Pickaxe Group Project!
- Head: Adamantium (2,500 | Cobalt | 15 | Sharp)
- Tool Rod: Adamantium (x4 | +2,000 | Sharp)
- Binding: Vibranium (+400 | Dense | Ecological | Lightweight) or Ardite (+450 | Petramor)
Stat Estimates:
- Durability: 13,000
- Mining Level: Cobalt
- Mining Speed: 15
- Sharp: Bleeding Effect
- Dense: Longer Lasting at Low Durability
- Ecological: Self Repair
- Lightweight: Faster Mining Speed or
- Petramor: Consumes Stone for Durability
Sword Group Project!
- Sword Blade: Adamantium (16,300 | Sharp) or Uru (Alien, Super Heavy)
- Tool Rod: Adamantium (x4 | +2,000 | Sharp)
- Guard: Vibranium (+400 | Dense, Ecological, Lightweight)
Embossment Options:
- Manyullyn (? | Cold-Blooded)
- Flint (? | Crude II)
Stat Estimates:
- Cross Guard: Durability: 55,500 | Attack: 33.5 - 50 | Spammable
- Wide Guard: ? | ? Blockheads
- Hand Guard: ? | ?Long Jumper
- Sharp: Bleeding Effects
- Alien: Stats adjust over time by 800
- Super Heavy: Requires the Lucraft STRENGTH Super Power
- Dense: Longer Lasting at Low Durability
- Ecological: Self Repair
- Cold-Blooded: Extra Damage to Targets with Full Health
- Crude: Extra Damage to Unarmored Enemies
Crossbow Group Project!
- Bowlimb: Adamantium (Durability: 16,300 | Draw Speed: 0.17| Range: 12 | Bonus Damage: 15 | Sharp) or Uru (Durability: 20,000 | Draw Speed: 0.15 | Range: 15 | Bonus Damage: 30 | Alien Super Heavy)
- Tough Tool Rod: Adamantium (x4 | +2,000 | +600 | Sharp)
- Tough Binding: Vibranium (+400 | Dense, Lightweight, Ecological)
- Bowstring: Rubber (x2.61 | Slingshot) or String (x1)
- Bolt Core: Reeds (Sugar Cane) (x1.5 | +20 | Breakable)
- Bolt Metal: Adamantium (2 x Ingots) (Attack: 25 | Sharp) or Uru (Attack: 50 | Alien, Super Heavy)
Embossment Options:
- Wooden Arrow Shaft (Eccological)
Stat Estimates:
- Durability: 69,800| Draw Speed: 0.34 | Range: x12-x15 | Bonus Damage: 30-50
- Durability (Ammo): 2010 | Attack: 40 | Accuracy: 100%
- Dense: Longer Lasting at Low Durability
- Ecological: Self Repair
- Lightweight: Faster Mining Speed
- Sharp: Bleeding Effects
- Alien: Stats adjust over time by 800
- Super Heavy: Requires the Lucraft STRENGTH Super Power