Objective 2: Basic Tinkers Tools - DartisXUI/Vanilla-Plus-Ultra GitHub Wiki
Place your Tables & Chest next to each other in this order (from either direction)
- Stencil Table – Pattern Chest – Part Builder – Tool Station – Crafting Station
Place your Blank Patterns into your Stencil Table & make each of the following patterns:
- Pickaxe Head
- Shovel Head
- Axe Head
- Sword Blade
- Tool Rod
- Tool Binding
- 1 x Sword Guard of your choice:
- Hand Guard (Long Sword - Long Attack Reach)
- Cross Guard (Rapier – Attacks as fast as you click and ignores any Target Armour)
- Wide Guard (Broadsword – Blocks and has Highest Damage)
- Place each of these Patterns into your Pattern Chest
Go to your Part Builder with some Cobblestone & Wood Planks to start with
- NOTE: Metal Parts require the Smeltery, a Bucket of Lava, 3 x Aluminium Ore & 1 x Copper Ore at minimum
Place your Cobblestone into the top right hand slot
Place your Patterns into the top left hand slot in this order – and take each part from the far right slot
- Sword Blade
- One Hand Guard, Cross Guard or Wide Guard
- Pickaxe Head
- Shovel Head
- Axe Head
- Tool Binding
Take out your Cobblestone and place in your Wood Planks and craft 4 x Tool Rods
Next, go to your Tool Station and click each of these tool icons in the following order and shift click the required Tool Parts into the slots
- Pickaxe (Stone Pickaxe Head, Stone Tool Binding & Wooden Tool Rod)
- Mattock (Stone Shovel Head, Stone Axe Head & Wooden Tool Rod – Works on Dirts, Woods and acts as a Hoe with RClick (Not great on Sand & Gravels)
- Either a Long Sword, Rapier or Broadsword (Stone Sword Blade, Stone <Hand/Cross/Wide> Guard, Wooden Tool Rod)
This is the Order of making any Tinker Tools & Weapons
You can upgrade your Tool Station to a Tool Forge by crafting it with 3 x Seared Bricks (Block) + 4 x Metal Blocks (Any)
- NOTE: This allows access to higher tier Tools and Weapons
- Once you have a basic understanding of how to make the Parts into Tools, use the NEI (Right Side of the Screen in Inventory or Crafting GUI) and search for “Tool Rod”, “Pickaxe Head”, etc to find the best Material Statistics (ie: Durability, Mining Speed, Mining Level, Attack, etc) and aim to craft those Tools & Weapons