Page Index - BelaPlatform/Bela GitHub Wiki
71 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- The Bela Wiki has moved to This material is no longer updated.
- Introducing Bela
- Getting started with Bela
- Building projects with Bela
- Example projects and tutorials
- Guides and troubleshooting
- Learn more
- Resources
- A minimal introduction to the use of the terminal
- Accessing a USB drive or SD card for storage
- Bela as a UART adapter
- Bela command line arguments
- Bela IDE
- Building Bela projects with the IDE
- Citing
- Compiling Bela projects in Eclipse
- Compiling Faust code for Bela
- Connecting Bela to wifi
- Connectors
- Date on the BeagleBone
- Developing for the IDE
- Dimensions
- Editing the core code
- Example projects and tutorials
- Experimenter kit parts
- FAQs and extra info
- Fast math functions
- Fritzing file
- Getting started with Bela
- Hardware explained
- IEEE 754 floating point on Bela
- Interact with Bela using the Bela scripts
- Introduction to Bela Code
- Learn about the BeagleBone Black
- Load a device tree overlay
- Manage your SD card
- Nerdy notes
- Pepper
- Performance monitor
- Pins used by Bela
- Pins used by the Bela cape
- Porting your code from the old BeagleRT API
- Powering Bela with an external power source
- Powering off the board
- Preparing a workshop image
- Publications using Bela
- Puredata and C
- Pyo and Bela
- Recover from stuck in reboot loop
- Related Online Resources
- Running Bela projects automatically on boot
- Running Puredata patches on Bela
- Salt
- Security Boot driver installer Win10 x64
- Style guide
- SuperCollider on Bela
- The Bela Button
- The Bela Makefile
- The IP address(es) of Bela
- Timing and IO in Bela
- Troubleshooting
- Updating Bela
- Updating to the new IDE
- Using arbitrary GPIO pins
- Using the Audio Expander Capelet
- Using the Bela core with other programs
- Using the Multiplexer Capelet
- Voltage ranges
- What is Bela?