script - pannous/hieros GitHub Wiki

script ⇔ scrit writ scratch scrape

𒊬 ŠAR šakar šahar •SCAR scribe! सब्ज़ sabz IE *sker- ‘cut’ 𒊬𒌑 •script 𒅆𒋛𒀀 ši-ṭir šcriṭir inscribed

𓆭 ⋍ 𓐬 script ⇔ (s)kreybʰ *(s)ker “to cut” scratch ⇔ Schere ⇔ Schnitt

𓍿 𓂋 𓏏 𓆭 | willow | 𒁍 willow 𒁍 SÍR 𒁾𒁍

𓎡 𓂋 𓊪 𓂷 𓂡 | scrape out (inscription) | graph γραφή γράφω gráphō “scratch, carve”

𓍼 𓈙 𓂝 𓏏 | scroll | scrit script (𓂝 crp) Schriftrolle 𓋴 𓐍 𓂋 𓏏 𓍼 𓏤 | roll (of papyrus) |

The ft/pt ending is matched in διφθ ⋍ script ι ?
𓏛 𓏏 𓏤𓏤 | book | 𒋰𒁾 διφθέρᾱ diphthérā “prepared hide, leather, tablet” 𐀇𐁇𐀨 di-pte-ra διψάρα dipsára
𓅷 𓅱 𓍼 | book | पुस्तक pustaka < 𐎱𐎺𐎿𐎫𐎠 pavastā पवस्त pavasta

𓆓 𓎛 𓅱 𓏏 𓏮 𓀭 | Thoth | •Scrwty God of script, wisdom …

𓋴 𓄲 𓂋 | Abschrift | scrit super
𓋴 𓃀 𓇼 | scolars | script? speculators sophists specialist √spectate sophie speaking speech ⇔ savoir savant

𓂧 𓂋 𓆑 𓏯 𓏜 | script | draft √draw< drag
𓂧 𓂋 𓆑 𓏯 𓏜 | script | chiropt ⋍ script ⇔ скица skica Skizze sketch σχέδιος skhédios suddenly, off-hand
𓂧 𓂋 𓆑 𓏯 𓏜 | writing | writ 𓆑𓂋𓂧 reverse
𓆓 𓂋 𓏛 𓏯 𓆑 | writing, script, title deeds | srit : script
𓏏 𓂋 𓇋 𓆴 𓆰 | reed | ðreed ➙ thread, draft, script, read

𓊃 𓎡 𓂋 𓆭 𓂸||decorate, adorn| δecoratre* > decorate decoratus decorare ⇔ dignity ⇔ derechia (right) *déḱos deḱ take
𓊃 𓎡 𓂋 𓆭 𓂸||decorate, adorn| ⋍ զարդարել zardarel 𓊃𓎡⋍zc⋍ch⋍𓊃⋍z
𓊃 𓎡 𓂋 𓆭 𓂸||decorate, adorn| 'zcier' : zieren
𓈙 𓎡 𓂋 𓆭 𓏪 ||panoply| decorate, Schicker ++ DE > sieren@Dutch
𓄡 𓎡 𓂋 𓐬 𓐬 𓐬||panoply, insignia, ornaments| δkr sacred scripts

𓈙 𓎡 𓂋 𓐬 𓏛 𓏥 | ornaments | uscar @ Irish +++
𓈙 𓎡 𓂋 𓐬 𓏛 𓏥 | ornaments | •scart (ver)ziert զարդ zard > art
𓈙 𓎡 𓂋 𓐬 𓏛 𓏥 | ornaments | •scart ⇔ koriste, у́крас úkras ⇔ uscar
𓈙 𓎡 𓂋 𓐬 𓏛 𓏥 | ornaments | διακόσμηση ⇔ dia-cosmetic

𓈙 𓎡 𓂋 𓇋 𓇋 𓆭 𓀀 | coiffeur | √sker = cut
𓈙 𓎡 𓂋 𓇋 𓇋 𓐬 𓀀 | coiffeur |

𓌨 𓂋 𓏏 𓂝 𓏛 𓏥 | writing materials | scrit < script graphit
𓌨 𓂋 𓏏 𓂝 𓏛 𓏥 | writing materials | kreiden ! ++

𓇋 I < VI < VL < fur < writ < reed > sreed

𓂧 𓂋 𓊪 𓂡 | make offering | darbieten drop…

𓋴 𓆓 𓂧 𓏏 𓀁 | description, tale | Geschichte 𓆓 : QUR

𓋴 𓂋 𓏏 𓀙 | (collective n.) body of magistrates | Sriter < Scrit < Schrift script

𓋴 𓐍 𓂋 𓀁 | plan, counsel, determination, governance, conduct, condition, fortune, affair, fashion, nature,custom | “secret”
𓋴 𓐍 𓂋 𓏜 | plan, counsel, determination, governance, conduct, condition, fortune, affair, fashion, nature,custom | √court

𓋴 𓐍 𓂋 𓏜 | governance | scrava > správa <?> smerovanie
𓋴 𓐍 𓂋 𓏜 | governance | √court < governaut ⇔ kormányzás

𓏏 𓂋 𓇋 𓆴 𓆰 | reed | sreed ➙ script, read

𓎘 𓅱 𓏝 | inscription |
𓎘 𓅱 𓍼 | inscription |

𓌃 𓂧 𓅱 𓏛 𓏥 𓊹 | word of God, divine decree, sacred writings, written characters, script |

⇔ mot 𓌃 𓂧 𓅱 𓏛 matter motto

𓊹 𓌃 | sacred writings | Gods-words / _Stab
𓊹 𓌃 𓂧 𓅱 𓀁 | word of God, divine decree, sacred writings, written characters, script |
𓊹 𓌃 𓂧 𓏛 𓏥 | written characters, script |
𓊹 𓌃 𓍼 𓏤 | written characters, script |
𓊹 𓌃 𓏝 | word of God, divine decree, sacred writings, written characters, script |

𓊪 𓄡 𓂋 𓏏 𓄲 𓏛 𓏥 | prescription, remedy | 'poscritturn ! PRESS #pXr ➙ / prescription! ++++
𓊪 𓄡 𓂋 𓏏 𓄲 𓇳 | transitory state (description of life) | peri… proto… apo… poscrituon ⋍ position

𓈙 𓊃 𓐟 𓄿 𓏲 𓄃 𓏛 𓏥 | (medical) prescription | syspa säätäminen prescription?

𓊃 𓐍 𓂋 𓅱 𓏛 | plan | σχῆμα secret scheme scrit
𓎡 𓄿 𓏏 𓀁 | plan, thought, device, plot | Karte,chart,card σκέψη sképsi => s'crit causative Kraft ?

𓄡 𓂝 𓂝 𓅱 𓈒 𓏥 | measure, allowance (of milk) | scraaw ⇔ scribe ? √cow +?+ scoon / ⇔ spoon, scoop

𒁾𒊬𒊒 tup-šar-ru
𒁾𒊬𒊒 scribe ⇔
𒁾𒁍 SÍR

𓎼 | scribe? |
𓎼 𓐛 𓍘 𓇋 | (scribe's) palette |
𓋴 𓉻 𓂝 𓄿 | gunwale | write, inscribe, paint, draw, / scrit / scrit
𓏞 𓀀 | scribe |
𓏞 𓏛 | write, inscribe, paint, draw, enrol (troops) | draught>drwt/dwrt > write, author
𓏞 𓀀 𓂧 𓈖 𓄔 𓏏 𓏜 | scribe of distribution |
𓏠 𓈖 𓉔 𓂧 𓏞 | scribe's palette | gamut, gamma di colori (range) ++? ⇔ note ”G”
𓏠 𓈖 𓉔 𓆓 𓏞 | scribe's palette | ⇔ ← column? ⇔ 𓉔𓂧 scrit?
𓐛 𓊃 𓍘 | (scribe's) palette | pasti ⇔ paste
𓐛 𓊃 𓏏 𓆱 | (scribe's) palette | palezte ➙ palette ++
𓐛 𓏤 𓍘 𓇋 𓆱 | (scribe's) palette |
𓐝 𓊃 𓍘 𓇋 𓀭 | (one of the Four sons of Horus) Imseti | (also transcribed Imseti, Amset, Amsety, Mesti, and Mesta)
𓈖 𓏘 … | notch/ink | inscribe |

ⲍⲣⲁⲫⲏ , ⲕⲣⲁⲫⲏ 🇬🇷 f. the holy 'scripture', book, writing

ⲛⲟⲧⲁⲣⲓⲟⲥ notary, scribe, registrar
ⲉϧⲟⲩⲛ write in (to palace); inscribe, register
ⲉϧⲟⲩⲛ give in,inscribe name

𓇓 𓏏 𓈖 𓂝 𓈖 𓏞 𓀀 | king's record scribe |
𓊃 𓈙 𓏜 | scribe | ⋍scribe / Zeichner
𓊃 𓈙 𓏞 𓏝 | write, inscribe, paint, draw, enrol (troops) |
𓊵 𓏏 𓊪 𓅱 𓏛 𓏥 | | pashahu pshakha to be at rest, *PEACE! / nihtu = peace/rest / nixtu / "Hotep" is a commonly used greeting in Afrocentric circles. / A term with negative connotation used to describe individuals who infuse Afrocentric teachings with pseudoscience, sexism, and homophobia. lolwut?

𒊬𒌑 •script

𒈬𒊬𒌑 𒅆𒋛𒀀 𒈬𒅀
MU.SAR-ú ši-ṭir MU-ia
im-scrúve šcriṭir namu'ia an inscribed object bearing my name 𓇑

𓋴 𓆼 𓀁 זְכַרְיָה zəḵaryā זכר "remebered" 𓋴 𓇋 𓎛 𓃶 saḫa sacret "good" <> scribe script

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