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Standard reading:

Plural 𓅱 w < -wn -wouns -wren -wr > -er > -ae > i/a
Dual ᵗj 𓏭 𓏮
Determinant 𓏥 or 𓏪 𓏤𓏤𓏤 𓏼 𓏨

Dual => Plural wn 𓅱𓏌 𓏌𓏲 see greco-saxonic plural marker -n 𓈖𓏤𓏤𓏤 used in Pronouns vs (oxen… Augen… )

Plural wr 𓅱 see saxonic plural marker -er : Haus ⇨ Häuser

Plural wren 𓅱 see atypical form child ⇨ children

All plural / dual forms -r -n -ti are present in Egyptian and confused:

𓁹 eye ⲓⲣⲓ,ⲓⲉⲣ 1. eyer erst / 2 Eier
𓁹 𓏏 𓏮 eyes ⲓⲁⲧ⳼ eyeth ido@Hausa
𓂝 𓈖 𓁹 eye Auᵍen ein 1 eyen ዐይን ʿäyn yǎn 眼 𒅆 IGI / īnu 𒌋𒈨 10100=1000(𓆼)

Plural -η –ες -es not attested in Egypt (?), only via 𓋴𓈖𓏪 𓋴𓈖𓏥 their :

𒉿𒄿𒋙𒉡 pi-i-šú-nu Phressen "their mouths" ( bound plural pronouns )

-ne 𒉈 -me 𒈨 plural

Following our Axioms we try to determine earlier more complete forms

𓅱 wen -wn -en -n See ⇨ Seen
Dual 𓏭 𓏮 du/di/tu/ti
Plural 𓏥 -ter -tri -terii

Standard reading of feminine plural swaps the letters 𓅱 and 𓏏:
sister ⇨ sisters 𓏏𓏥 𓏏𓅱 «-wt»

Again the most ancient reading of 𓅱 might have been -mwn -mun -men
plural 𓅱 manche much many menge •mengān 𓏠𓈖 gān:
plural 𓅱 •wren > gān > yān > ān > hā > ā
dual 𒋰 dubi double
dual 𒈫 MIN 门 門 mén

In Arabic, bahrayn is the dual form of bahr ("sea")
The late reading of 𓏭 𓇌 𓇋𓇋 ay is consistent with the Arabic bahrayn

Was there once a distinction between •Augum 𒅆 Ein Auge עַיִן Ayin Augen (two eyes) and •Auger (some eyes)?

Interestingly 𒅆 Ein Auge has readings 𒅆 īnu⋍ayin and 𒅆 IGI⋍Auge
Interestingly 𒅆 Ein Eyen connects Elamite 𒀀𒈾𒈾 anana and Hindu नैना a'nainā !
Interestingly 🥚𓆇 Aug⋍egg has no dual, but plural Eier!

New reading:
suffix 𓏮 as di ti or bi 𓏭 𓇌 𓇋𓇋

Ein Arm ⇨ 2 Hände
Ein Bein ⇨ 2 Podi

Connection between 𓅱, old turkish plural -ler and -er ? Sport => Sportler vs Sattler Ziegler
Connection between -ler and combined plural+actor marker > -ner : Redner 𓏌𓏲 Tischler !?

𔔹 li₁ -ler collective plural 𔓟 há #Hatti => 𔓠 Hattili 𔓟𔔹

Maybe the dual was lost because of graphical confusion between 𓏲 & 𓍢 wn/wr : egg-Augen-Eier (dual/plural)

𒌑 -w plural marker?
𒁀𒉡𒌑 𒃮𒊏 ba-nu-ú qab-ra : bone grab-à : progenitors in the grave

سَمَّان sammān Sahm-Mann => سَمَّانُون sammānūn butter-dealers

Suffix -k (plural suffix) -s, -es
hajó (“ship”) → hajók (“ships”)

𒃻𒃻𒊏 gar-gar-ra •garimura ( im plural ) 𒂵𒂵𒊏 ga-ga-ra •gaimura #kumurrû com total sum

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