Page Index - nilakshdas/ThinkUp GitHub Wiki
93 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- ThinkUp: a social media insights engine
- Getting Started
- About The Platform
- Help
- ThinkUp for Developers
- "ThinkUp is currently in the process of upgrading"
- [GSoC 2013] Ankit Aggarwal's iOS app proposal
- [GSoC 2013] Bhavesh Sharma YouTube plugin proposal
- [GSoC 2013] Cassio Melo New Insights: Sentiment & Frequent Pattern Analysis
- [GSoC 2013] Nilaksh Das' proposal for new insights
- [GSoC 2013] Some new Insights by Joe Mathai
- [GSOC 2013] Thibault Miclo's Localize ThinkUp Proposal
- [GSOC 2013] ThinkUp Youtube Plugin Proposal
- [Gsoc_2013]ThinkUp_gaming_portal
- About: ThinkUp Inspirations
- About: ThinkUp Roadmap
- About: ThinkUp RoadMap to Version 1.0
- About: Troubleshooting Common Problems and Solutions
- About: User Guide
- About: Working with ThinkUp and Git
- Code Style Guide
- Code Style Guide: CSS
- Code Style Guide: HTML
- Code Style Guide: JavaScript
- Code Style Guide: PHP
- Code Style Guide: Smarty Template Language
- Code Style Guide: SQL
- Configuration: Settings
- Configuration: Settings for Developers
- Configuration: Enable the crawler's verbose developer log
- Configuration: Facebook
- Configuration: Google+
- Configuration: Twitter
- Design Patterns
- Developer Guide
- Developer Guide: Data Access Objects (DAO's)
- Developer Guide: File Naming Conventions
- Developer Guide: Get the Source Code from GitHub and Keep It Updated
- Developer Guide: Git Tips
- Developer Guide: How to Change the Database Structure
- Developer Guide: How to Write Great Unit Tests
- Developer Guide: Manually Installing ThinkUp for Development Purposes
- Developer Guide: Pull Request Checklist
- Developer Guide: Setting Up Eclipse PDT
- Developer Guide: ThinkUp for Beginners by a Beginner
- Developer Guide: ThinkUp for Beginners, by a Beginner
- Developer Guide: ThinkUp Screencasts
- Developer Guide: ThinkUp's Model View Controller Implementation
- Developer guide: vim tips
- Google Summer of Code 2011 Ideas Page
- Google Summer of Code 2013 Ideas Page
- Help: sorry, registration is closed on this thinkup installati...
- Help: ThinkUp is currently in the process of upgrading
- Installation: Amazon EC2
- Installation: Dreamhost
- Installation: Local Computer
- Installation: Mac OS X
- Installation: SELinux
- Installation: Windows
- Installing ThinkUp
- Plugins: Architecture Wishlist
- Plugins: Developer Guide
- Plugins: How to Build a ThinkUp Plugin
- Plugins: Simple Plugins to Build
- The ThinkUp API: UserNotFoundException
- ThinkUp and PHPDocumentor (PHPDoc)
- ThinkUp Summer 2011 Mentor Program
- ThinkUp Talks: The ThinkUp Podcast
- Tips for Converting Wiki content to reStructuredText
- Twitter Realtime Plugin
- Twitter Realtime Plugin: Configuring and Running
- Upgrade: AppFog
- ~GSoC 2010: Dwi Widiastuti Installation Simplification and Auto Updates
- ~GSoC 2010: Dwi's Installer Process
- ~GSoC 2010: Ekansh's Geo location Visualization Proposal
- ~GSoC 2010: Google Summer of Code 2010 Ideas Page
- ~GSoC2010: Aditya Patawari's Installation Simplification and Auto Update
- ~GSoC2010: Ankit Ahuja's Smart Playlists
- ~GSoC2010: Ankit Guglani GeoSpatial Visualizations.
- ~GSoC2010: Ankit Guglani Social Network Analysis
- ~GSoC2010: Bharadwaj's Messaging plugins framework Web API
- ~GSoC2010: Cristian Regep Geo Location Awareness and Visualizations Proposal
- ~GSoC2010: Grigoruta Adrian Auto Installer and Updater
- ~GSoC2010: Hitesh's GUI installer (Wamp Xampp) and Updates
- ~GSoC2010: Martin Richard's code refactoring
- ~GSoC2010: msankhala's RSSFeed support
- ~GSoC2010: Ninad Pundalik's Messaging Plugins Framework Proposal
- ~GSoC2010: nmudgal's Data Source Input Plugin
- ~GSoC2010: Prateek Gupta's Proposal for Geo Location Awareness and Visualizations
- ~GSoC2010: Sean Cronin's Quick Install Proposal