Configuration: Settings - nilakshdas/ThinkUp GitHub Wiki

What is is the file located in the /webapp directory of your ThinkUp install that defines many of the basic configuration settings that ThinkUp uses to run. If you complete the web-based installer for ThinkUp, these should automatically be defined correctly for you. If this does not work, or you want to further customize your ThinkUp installation, these are the values you can change.

Application Settings

These affect the behavior and appearance of your ThinkUp install.

Application title

This is the name ThinkUp uses as a title on public-facing parts of its user interface. Changing this value lets you rebrand ThinkUp to whatever you'd like to call it.

  • Configuration variable: $THINKUP_CFG['app_title']
  • Default value: ThinkUp

Application's public directory

Enter the public path of thinkup's /webapp/ folder on your web server. (For example, if the /webapp/ folder is located at, set to '/thinkup/'.)

  • Configuration variable: $THINKUP_CFG['site_root_path']
  • Default value: /

Application's server directory

This is the file system path to the /thinkup/ folder. Note: The value listed here is literally the default value for the server directory, so if it's not changed, your ThinkUp install won't work correctly.

  • Configuration variable: $THINKUP_CFG['source_root_path']
  • Default value: /your-server-path-to/thinkup/

Your timezone

This is your local time zone, which allows ThinkUp to show dates and times that are correct for your location. The value should be set to one of PHP's supported timezone values.

  • Configuration variable: $THINKUP_CFG['timezone']
  • Default value: America/Los_Angeles

Smarty caching enabled

Smarty is the templating system ThinkUp uses to cache pages in the user interface. If you'd like to disable this caching, you can set the value to false.

  • Configuration variable: $THINKUP_CFG['cache_pages']
  • Default value: true

Crawler time period

The crawler collects new updates from your networks. This value sets the minimum time in minutes that must elapse before the next crawl begins. It's set to 20 minutes by default to keep services like Twitter from getting upset by your ThinkUp install making too many requests.

  • Configuration variable: $THINKUP_CFG['rss_crawler_refresh_rate']
  • Default value: 20

Database Settings

These are the fundamental settings for how ThinkUp stores your data.

Core Database Settings

For many web hosts, you may have to change the first variable's default of "localhost" into something specific to your account. This information should be on the same web page or email that you get your password and other database information from.

Database Host Name

  • Configuration variable: $THINKUP_CFG['db_host']
  • Default value: localhost

Database Type

  • Configuration variable: $THINKUP_CFG['db_type']
  • Default value: mysql

Database User Name

  • Configuration variable: $THINKUP_CFG['db_user']
  • Default value: your_database_username

Database Password

  • Configuration variable: $THINKUP_CFG['db_password']
  • Default value: your_database_password

Database Name

(This isn't your name, it's the name of the database where ThinkUp stores its information.)

  • Configuration variable: $THINKUP_CFG['db_name']
  • Default value: your_thinkup_database_name

Advanced Database Settings

The first two values are blank by default.

Database Socket

  • Configuration variable: $THINKUP_CFG['db_socket']
  • Default value: none

Database Port

  • Configuration variable: $THINKUP_CFG['db_port']
  • Default value: none

Database Table Prefix

If your ThinkUp install is sharing a database with another app that uses the same configuration, or you have more than one ThinkUp install on the same database, this prefix can be defined to keep the different applications from accidentally conflicting with each other's tables.

  • Configuration variable: $THINKUP_CFG['table_prefix']
  • Default value: tu_